Day 2 Flashcards
TORA / Stopway / clearway
- TORA: take-off run available: runway length available for the ground roll
- stopway: area beyond runway used for rejected take-offs
- Clearway: area beyond runway which can be used for the initial climb to screen height. It is free of obstructions.
Screen height dry: 35’
Screen height wet: 15’
- TODA: take-off distance available
- ASDA: accelerated-stop distance available
TODA: TORA+clearway
ASDA: TORA+stopway
Balanced V1/field
Balanced V1: TODR = ASDR
Balanced field: TODA = ASDA
- Decision speed: max speed during t/o that the pilot can stop within ASDA, min speed during t/o that pilot can continue T/o with N-1 and achieve the screen height V1 must be: - greater than Vmcg - less than Vmbe - less or equal to Vrotate
The speed at which the rotation of the a/c should be initiated
Vr can not be less than:
- V1
- 1,05 Vmu SE / 1,1 Vmu AE (Minimum unstick speed +5% (SE) +10% (All Engines))
- 1,05 x Vmca (Minimum control speed airborne) +5%
Vr can not be greater than
- Max tyre speed
EPST rotation
TO Pitch: 15 degrees
N-1 TO Pitch: 12/13 degrees
Rotation rate: 3 degrees/second
N-1 Rotation rate 2 degrees/second
The take-off speed which must be attained at the screen height at the end of the TODR. (Best N-1 ANgle of climb speed, and is a minimum speed for flight until at least 400’ AGL)
V2 must be greater than:
- 1G stall speed
- 1,1 Vmca
Take off Segments
First segment:
- 35’ screen height > gear fully retraced
- Min req: Positive climb
second segment;
- gear fully retracted > N-1 Level off Height
- Min req: 2.4% climb
Third segment:
- level acceleration > flaps retracted
- min req: positive climb
Final(fourth) segment:
- flaps retracted > at N-1 final climb speed = Flaps up manouevring speed
- min req: 1.2% climb
Runway conditions
DRY runway: runway whose surface is free of visible moisture and not contaminated within the area intended to be used
WET Runway: runway whose surface is covered by any visible dampness or water up to and including 3mm deep within the area to be used
CONTAMINATED Runway: A runway of which a significant portion (>25%) of it’s surface within the length and width being used is covered by one or more of the substances listed under the runway surface condition descriptors: compacted, dry and wet snow, frost, ice, slush, standing water, wet ice
Landing distance dry/wet
Dry scheduled LDR: demonstrated distance + 67%
Wet scheduled LDR: dry scheduled LDR + 15%
Missed APP climb gradients
Approach climb (2.1%)
- approach configuration (Gear up/Flaps 15)
- One engine inoperative
Landing climb (3.2%)
- landing configuration (Gear down, Flaps 40)
- Both engines at max thrust
Crosswind = wind angle, e.g. 60 Deg = Full 45 Deg = 3 quarters 30 Deg = Half 15 Deg = Quarter
Vref = 0,5 x HWC + full gust increment Vref = (min +5 / max +15)
Calculation table 100% TWC/HWC
ROUND OFF: V1 down VR up V2 up
RVSM Reduced Vertical Seperation Minima
RVSM Airspace 28.500’ - 41.500’
- ( FL290 - FL410)
Required equipment:
- two independent altitude measurement systems
- an altitude alerting system
- AP with ALT HOLD function
- A transponder with altitude raporting system
- open (white) diamond: other traffic
- closed (white) diamond: proximate traffic
- yellow round: Traffic advisory (TA) (40seconds)
- red square: Resolution advisory (RA) (25 seconds)