Day 15 (pg 207) Flashcards
What nerve(s) provide motor innervation to the scalp?
facial nerve branches
What is the embryonic origin of skeletal muscles innervated by the facial nerve?
the skeletal muscle is derived from the branchial arches hence branchial efferent
What is the third layer of the scalp associated with?
muscular component of the scalp
What muscle(s) are specifically associated with the scalp?
frontalis and occipitals bellies of the epicranius muscle
The bellies of the epicranius muscle are connected by what structure?
galea aponeurotica
What is the fourth layer of the scalp
loose connective tissue layer
What is the fifth layer of the scalp?
Which muscles lack any attachment to bone?
orbicularis oris, procerus & risorius
Which divisions of the trigeminal nerve receive sensory information from the face?
all 3 divisions: ophthalmic nerve, maxillary nerve & mandibular nerve
What landmark forms the apex of the orbit?
convergence of the superior orbital fissure and inferior orbital fissure
What opening(s) are located along the superior wall of the orbit?
optic canal
What are the contents of the optic canal?
optic nerve & ophthalmic artery
What bones form the medial wall of the orbit?
ethmoid, frontal, lacrimal & sphenoid bones
What are the openings located along the medial wall of the orbit?
anterior ethmoid & posterior ethmoid foramina
What is the name given to the medial wall of orbit?
lamina papyracea