Day 13 (pg 195) Flashcards
What is the appearance of suture intersections just above the zygomatic arch called?
the pterion
What bones form the pterion?
parietal, temporal, sphenoid and frontal bones
What points on the skull are used to measure the skull size?
the nasion, vertex and inion
What is the posterior boundary of the anterior cranial fossa?
a line drawn along the lesser wing of the sphenoid, anterior clinoid process, & sphenoidal jugum
What is the posterior boundary of the middle cranial fossa?
superior border of petrous part of temporal bone, posterior clinoid processes & dorsum sella of sphenoid bone
What are the parts of the sella turcica?
anterior clinoid processes, sphenoidal jugum, posterior clinoid processes, dorsum sella, & hypophysial fossa of sphenoid bone
What are the contents of the superior orbital fissure?
the ophthalmic veins, the oculomotor nerve, the trochlear nerve, the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, and the abducent nerve
What cranial nerves are located within the superior orbital fissure?
cranial nerves III (oculomotor), IV (trochlear), Va (opthalmic division of the trigeminal), and VI (abducent)
What is unique about the opthalmic artery and veins?
unlike other artery-vein combinations they will not share the same opening
the opthalmic artery is in the optic canal, opthalmic veins are in the superior orbital fissure
What are the contents of the foramen ovale?
The mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (Vc) and the lesser petrosal branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve
What are the contents of the foramen spinosum?
the nervous spinosus from the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve and the middle meningeal artery