Day- 01 Flashcards
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To learn something in such a way that you can say in from of memory.
A (or one’s) bounden duty
A responsibility regarded by one self or others as obligatory.
A bird’s eye view
- A general view from above
- An overall or cursory look at something
A black sheep
- A disfavored or disreputable member of a group.
- A member of a family or group who is regarded as a disgrace to it.
A bolt from the blue
- A sudden and unexpected event or piece of news.
- A complete suprise.
A close shave
- A narrow escape
- A situation in which you come very close to a dangerous situation.
A cog in a/ the machine
A small or insignificant member of a larger organization or system
A dark horse
- a usually little-known contender (such as a racehorse) that makes an unexpectedly good showing.
- mysterious person who keeps their interests and ideas secret.
Be a far cry from/ far cry
- Something notably different.
- a long distance
A fish out of water
Someone who is uncomfortable in a specific situation.
A forgone conclusion
A result that can be predicted with certainty; an inevitable result.
A hard/ tough nut to crack
A difficult problem or an opponent that is hard to beat
A jaundiced eye
Exhibiting or influenced by envy, distaste, or hostility.
A lot of
A large amount
A man of letters
A male scholar or author
A man of many parts/ A man of parts
A man with great ability in many different areas.
A man of straw
- Someone who has weak character.
- A person regarded as having no substance or integrity.
A piece of cake
an easy task/ something easily achieved.
A rainy day
A time when money might unexpectedly be needed
A sitting duck
An easy or defenseless target.
A snake in the grass
- An unpleasant person who can’t be trusted.
- A secretly faithless friend.
A square pig in a round hole
A person in a situation unsuited to their abilities or character.
A storm in a teacup/ Tempest in a teapot
Great outrage or excitement about a trivial matter
A strong stomach
An ability to see or do unpleasant things without feeling sick or squeamish.
A tall order
An unreasonable or difficult demand/ something that is very difficult to do.
A thorn in the flesh/ A thorn in someone’s side
- Source o f continual annoyance or trouble.
- A person or thing that repeatedly annoys someone or something or causes problems.
A trying time
Times of trouble, struggle, or unhappiness.
A vicious circle/ cycle
a chain of events in which the response to one difficulty creates a new problem that aggravates the original difficulty.
- Primary knowledge, basic knowledge.
- Very easy.
Above all
more that anything else/ before every other consideration.
Above board
Legitimate, honest, and open/ in a straightforward manner.
Above one’s station
beyond one’s ability.
Achilles heel
A weakness or vulnerable point.
Acid test
A severe or crucial test/ the true test of the value of something.
Add fuel to the fire/ flames
to make an argument or bad situation worse.
Add insult to injury
Act in a way that makes a bad situation worse.
After one’s own heart
having same opinion or interests.
Against the clock
With or within a time constraint.
Alive and kicking
healthy and active
All along
All the time/ from the very beginning.
All and sundry
every person/ everyone.
All at once
Suddenly and unexpectedly.
All but
Very nearly
All ears
Very attentive
All in all
on the whole/ considering all the different parts of the situation together.
All of a sudden
suddenly; without warning
All the same
In spite of / nevertheless
All the while
during the entire time/ for all of a period of time.
An axe to grind
- have a private reason for doing or being involved in something.
- an ulterior often selfish underlying purpose.
Animal spirits
natural exuberance
The apple of one’s eye
- a person of whom one is extremely fond and proud.
- one that is highly cherished.
As a matter of fact
In reality, in fact
As a rule
Usually, but not always
As good as
very nearly/ almost/ nearly
As the crow flies
In a straight line
As to
At a loss
At low ebb
declining/ in a bad or weak state.
At a stretch
without break/ continuously.
At arm’s length
- at a distance / as far away from your body as possible.
- Avoiding intimacy or close contact.
At bay
forced to face or confront one’s attackers or pursuers/ concerned.
At best
under the most favorable circumstances/ highest possible.
At bottom
in a basic way.
At daggers drawn
at enmity/ in a state of open hostility or conflict.
At dead of night
the middle of the night/ the quietest, darkest part of the night.
At ease
confident and relaxed.
At hand
nearby/ near in time or position.
At home
skilled/ comfortable.
At large
at liberty/ free
At length
after a long time/ in detail
At no time
never/ not ever.
At once
At one’s elbow
next to someone/ close to and a little behind someone.
At one’s finger ends
Ready at hand/ readily available.
At one’s wit’s end
at a loss for a means of solving a problem/ confused/ puzzled.