Data Structures Flashcards
What is an array?
An ordered finite set of elements of a single type.
What type of array is a linear array?
A one-dimensional array.
How can you visualise a two-dimensional array?
As a spreadsheet or table.
How can you visualise a three-dimensional array?
A three dimensional array can be visualised as a multi-page spreadsheet.
What is a record also known as?
A row in a file.
What is a record made up of?
A record is made up of fields.
How can you select a field from a record using pseudocode?
What is the definition of a list?
A data structure consisting of a number of items in which the items can occur more than once.
What are the main differences between arrays and lists?
- Lists can store data non-contiguously whereas arrays store data in order. - Lists can store data of more than one data type.
What is a tuple?
An immutable ordered set of values of any type.
What is the difference between a tuple and an array?
Tuples are initialised using regular brackets instead of square brackets.
What is a linked list?
A dynamic data structure used to hold an ordered set of items which are not stored in contiguous locations.
What is the name given to the items in a linked list?
What does each item in a linked list contain?
It contains a data field and another address field called a link pointer.
What is a data field in a linked list?
A field that stores the actual data.
What is a pointer field in a linked list?
A field that contains the address of the next item in the list.
What is a graph?
A graph is a data structure consisting of a set of vertices (nodes) connected by edges (arcs).
What is a directed graph?
A graph in which the edges can only be traversed in one direction.
What is an undirected graph?
A graph in which the edges can be traversed in both directions.
What is a weighted graph?
A graph in which the arcs (edges) have a cost to traverse.
Give two ways of representing graphs so that they can be understood by computers.
Adjacency Matrix Adjacency List.
What are the advantages of using an adjacency matrix?
- Convenient to work with - Easy to add new nodes.
What are the advantages of using an adjacency list?
Space efficient for large sparse networks.
What is a stack?
A LIFO (last in first out) data structure where items can only be removed from and added to the top of the list.
Give an example of where stacks may be used.
- Back button in a web page -Undo buttons
What is a queue?
A FIFO (first in first out) data structure where items are added to the end of the queue and removed from the front of the queue.
What is a tree?
A data structure which has a root node and child nodes connected with branches.
What is a node?
A node is any item in a tree.
What is an edge?
An edge is the connection between two nodes.
What is the root node?
The node which doesn’t have any incoming nodes at the top of the tree.
What is a child?
Any node which has an incoming edge.
What is a parent?
Any node which has outgoing edges.
What is a subtree?
A section of the tree which consists of a parent and all the children of that parent.
What is a leaf?
A leaf is a node which has no children.
What is a binary tree?
A type of tree in which each node has a maximum of two children.
What is the purpose of a binary tree?
A binary tree is used to search for values quickly.
What is a hash table?
A hash table is an array which is coupled with a hash function.
What is a collision?
A collision is where two inputs result in the same hashed value.
What properties does a good hashing algorithm have?
A good hashing algorithm must have a low chance of collision and must be fast.
What is pre-order traversal?
Traversal algorithm in which you traverse the root node followed by the left subtree then the right subtree.
What is in-order traversal?
Traversal algorithm in which you traverse the left subtree the root node then the right subtree.
What is post-order traversal?
Traversal algorithm in which you traverse the left subtree the right subtree followed by the root node.
What does the operation isEmpty do?
Checks if the list is empty.
What does the operation append(value) do?
It adds the given value to the end of the list.
What does the operation remove(value) do?
It finds the first instance of the given value and removes it.
What does the operation search(value) do?
Searches for the given value in a list.
What does the operation length do?
Returns the length of the list.
What does the operation index(value) do?
Returns the index of a value in the list.
What does the operation insert(position value) do?
Adds the value to the position in the list.
What does the operation pop do?
Removes the item from the top of the stack.