Data Management Flashcards
What legislation can you name that applies to data protection in the UK?
- The data protection act 2018.
- UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
What does data protection mean and what does involve?
- Data protection means using and storing information about people fairly and responsibly.
- It involves being open and accountable, and recognising and complying with individuals’ rights over how their personal details are used, accessed and shared.
What is personal data?
- ## Personal data is information about a specific living person, such as name, address or date of birth
Why do we have laws to protect our data?
Data protection laws aim to ensure all our personal data is kept securely, and used fairly, openly and legally.
Under data protection, what rights are reserved to individual?
- right to be informed (know how data is collected and used)
- right to access (request access to data held about them)
- right to have data erased
- right to have data rectified, if is inaccurate
- right to restrict processing of their data in specific circumstances
- right to data portability (so they can reuse data across different services or for their own purposes)
- right to object decisions results if data is being processed through only automated systems which affect legal rights or financial circumstances (i.e. mortgage application)
What is UK GDPR? and what’s its purpose?
It’s the UK data protection framework which is based on Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR; It’s a privacy and security law designed to protect personal data and how is this used by organisations, businesses and government
Is UK GDPR same as EU GDPR? When does the EU GDPR applies?
UK GDPR follows the same principles, rights and obligations as EU GDPR; The EU GDPR applies if UK organisations offer goods or services to individuals in the European Economic Area (EEA)
What are the Data Protection principles?
- Limited purposes: personal data can only be collected for specified and legitimate purposes. If original purpose changes a new consent is required;
- Data minimisation: personal data shall be adequate and limited to its purposes; no additional info should be collected/stored if not needed
- Accuracy: data must be accurate and kept up to date
- Storage limitation: data must be kept only for the required time and not hold for longer than necessary
- Securely processed: data must be kept safely and be protected by unauthorised access and accidental losses
- Accountability: the controller and processor are responsible for adopting adequate and secure system for using personal data
- Lawfulness, transparency: data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in user friendly manner, that allows comprehensive understanding from the individual
What is required under article 5(2) of GDPR?
The controller shall be responsible for, and be able to demonstrate compliance with the principles
Under the Data Protection Act, what are the key requirements for businesses handling data?
- Have policies and procedure for data protection in place
- Keeping data security measures up to date
- Carry out data protection impact assessment, to test and check the measures are effective, and improve them where necessary
- Train staff
- Employ an independent Data Protection Officer (DPO) to monitor internal compliance (compulsory for public organisation)
What are the consequences of non-compliance with data protection?
- Compensation claims (i.e. compensate for the loss of money or distress caused)
- Negative publicity
- Financial penalties
What are the financial penalties for data breach and how are they assessed?
Penalties for data breaches are assessed on a case-by-case basis (two tiers):
- low-level offences (i.e. failing to report a breach)
- high-level offences (i.e. infringing individual rights and potential maximum fines are the greater of 20 ml euros or 4% of annual global turnover)
What are the key roles in the data management context?
- Data subject: living person whose personal data is processed
- Data controller: an organisation or individual that decides why and how to process personal data
- Data processor: An organisation or individual that process the data on behalf of the controller
**(If you are an employee and your organisation is the data controller, you might process data to fulfil your organisation’s role as a controller. This does not make you a data processor as defined in the legislation)
What is a data controller?
A data controller decides how and why personal data is processed and is directly responsible for GDPR
What is a data processor?
An organisation or individual that only processes personal data on behalf of the data controller, and in line with their instructions.
Can you give me some example of the data you manage ?
- Client details
- Values
- Plan info
- Project details
- Build costs (BCIS)
- Planning info
- EPC rating
How do you ensure the data that you hold on your clients is kept secure and confidential?
- Limit access to sensitive data use smart passwords and update the regularly
- Use Firewalls and antivirus protection dedicated server
- stay on top of security updates.
What does the RICS say about confidentiality?
The RICS bye-laws say that client’s confidentiality must be maintained for all client’s affairs. This includes all historic information and info provide before an instruction.
Can information regarding client’s be accessed by a third party?
No, unless it’s been approved by the client
Which instances would you be able to disclose client’s information without their explicit consent?
Only when there is a statutory right overriding the client’s confidentiality, such as a request from the police or HMRC
If you receive an email sent by error from a competitor, containing confidential info, what would you do?
Firstly, the info contained in the email cannot be used for my own purpose, and I must advise the sender of this leakage and dispose of the email securely
What BCIS stand for? and what includes?
The Building Cost information Service provides cost and price data for the UK construction industry. It is a part of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
Offers numerous product datasets such as
- Build Costs rates based on the location
- BCIS Schedule of Rates
- BCIS Dilapidations Estimating Price Set
How have you changed the way you managed data during COVID 19 and home working ?
- Only use company owned work equipment and ensure that storage of hard copies of files is limited to the office.
- Regular updates for passwords etc.
- Log into secure intranet - no files downloaded locally.
What are the PII requirement for company data?
It is a requirement of our PII insurance that all contracts under deed are kept for a minimum of 12 years and to hand for 6 years. I am aware of the limitation act to claims which can be brought about up to 15 years after the act of negligence.
What is BRE?
BRE is an independent and impartial, research-based advisory, testing and training organisation, offering expertise in every aspect of the built environment and associated industries.
Undertakes and publishes research to allow tackling of the current and future challenges of the built environment.
What should you do if there is a data breach?
Inform the Information Commissioner’s Office not later than 72 hours after becoming aware of it.
Where does BCIS collect its’ data from?
from a variety of sources including construction professionals’ surveys, accepted contracts and tenders and government agencies
What is Tender Price Index?
Measures the trend of contractors’ pricing levels in accepted tenders. BCIS offer this as a service.
What is a Firewall?
It’s a security tool for any organisation that want to protect its computer networks and data from unauthorized access or malicious attacks (viruses)
What information is included in Company House?
- Company name, number and registered office address
- Directors names and addresses
- Shareholder names and addresses
- Accounts and annual returns filed by the company
- Memo and articles of association
- any charges or mortgages over the comapny assets
- details of any insolvency proceedings or liquidation
- statutory filings made by the company
What information type of land interest can be found on Land Registry?
- Freeholds
- Leasehold over 7 years
- Easements
- Restrictive covenants
Name some of the information that can be found on the Land Registry?
- Title register: document including property address, the registered owner, and any rights or restrictions that affect the property
- Title plans: document showing the location, and boundaries of the property on a map
- Charges register: this section is included in the title register and lists any mortgages, liens and other charges that have been registered against the property
- Conveyancing deeds: legal docs that tarnsfer ownership of the property from one party to another. The LR may hold copies if they have been registered with the agency
- Leases that are granted for a term of more than seven years
- Price paid data: sale price, date of sale and property address
- Property boundaries: may include info on shared boundaries
What is a title plan / register?
The Land Registry Title Register and Title Plan are the officially registered documents that together provide proof of ownership and details of the terms upon which a property is owned.
What is included in a Title Register? and what it’s include under each section?
Title number
A = Property Register - description of the land included within the title and rights granted to the property
B = Proprietorship Register - Class of title (Title Absolute), name of the owner, its registered address and price paid
C = Charges Register (mortgages, rights of way or covenants)
What are restricted covenants and what effect do they have on a land? and how can they be distinguished from a positive covenant?
Are attached to the land and restrict / prohibit certain things.
i.e. could restrict development or use but are identifiable as they do not consist in a financial liabilities.
They are retained even when sold and passed on.
What is a right of way?
It’s an easement = a right to use part of another person’s property in a particular way even though they don’t own it.
What’s included in a Title Plan?
title number
OS map reference
red line boundary
north point
administrative borough
easements and rights of way
Date and time the copy was taken
What scale is used for a Land Registry Title Plan?
What are some of the different colours on a Title Plan?
Green = removed
Brown = right of way
Pink = restricted covenant
What is the Land Registry?
Governmental department which records the ownership of land and property in England and Wales.
What would you consider when advising on storage systems?
I would consider a few factors:
- Scalability - how much data is going to be stored
- Security - what type of data is stored and therefore the adequate type of security in place
- Accessibility - Who are the authorized people who needs to access it and how do we make this practical for them at the same time as secure
- Reliability - the storage should be reliable and have back up systems in place
What would you consider when advising on business filing solutions?
I would consider a few factors:
- Scalability - how much data is going to be stored
- Security - the system should have appropriate security measures in place to protect sensitive and confidential information
- Accessibility - From where can this be accessed (internet, network)? Who are the authorized people who needs to access it and how do we make this practical for them at the same time as secure
- Ease of use: user-friendly and intuitive
- Organisation: the file should be organised in a logical and consistent manner
Name some business filing systems DMS?
(DMS) Digital document management system:
- Google Drive
- Dropbox
- Microsoft Share point
What is a cloud-based storage solution?
It’s a storage system
What is a data room?
It’s a secure online space where confidential documents and info related to a property can be shared between parties/potential buyers; This space can enable collaborative activities from various stake holders and allow access from remote locations;
It’s a more safe, cost practical way for sharing numerous documentation;
What is the difference between a data room and cloud-based storage system?
They both used for storing data, but data room typically has more advanced security features than a standard cloud-based storage system.
For example, a data room has access control that allow administrator to restrict specific documents or section of the data room to authorized only. And a data rooms may also have audit trails and watermarks to track who has accessed specific documents and when.
What type of storage system exist?
- Hard disk - attached to a computer
- Network storage system - storage system that is connected to a network and which various computers can have access to
- Cloud storage systems - storage system that uses remote servers hosted by a third-party provider accessible via internet (Amazon Web Servce, Google Cloud)
- Physical Storage system - data organised into objects that can be accessed using a unique identifier
What is a computerised central project system?
A CCP system is a software platform that is used to manage and track the progress of projects. It’s a tool used mainly by project managers and engineers for construction projects.
Helps improve project efficiency, reduce costs and minimize errors
What are the main of published source of data relevant to property?
- Land Registry
- Zoopla
- Rightmove
- Office National Statics
- MSCI index (on subscription)
- BCIS (on subscription)
- Company House
Under GDPR, would you be able to transfer personal data? what would consider if the data is going to be handled outside the UK?
Assuming consent from the Data Subject os given, however,
GDPR restricts transfers of personal data outside the European Economic Area unless the rights and systems provide sufficient level of security.
What is Freedom of Information Act 2000?
- Give individuals the right of access to information held by public bodies
What does the Freedom of Info Act require of public bodies? and what is the timeframe for releasing the info?
- Public body must tell any individual requesting sight of info whether it holds it
- Info is normally required to be supplied within 20 working days from the request
- It can charge for the provision of the Information
What are the exemptions from the FoI Act 2000?
-Contrary to the GDPR requirements
- It would prejudice a criminal matter under investigation
- It would prejudice a person/organisation commercial interest
What is the term used when verifying the reliability of data source?
What are the main system of security for storing data?
- Disk encryption
- Regular backups off site
- Password protection updates
- Use of Anti-virus software protection
- Firewall and disaster recovery
- Confidential Waste Bin
What is a copyright?
It’s a form of intellectual property; It’s a legal right that protects the original works or authors from being used, copied or distributed without permission. For example, photos, software, maps.
What example of Copy right exist in the context of Real Estate?
Crown Copy Right; This refers to all material created and prepared by the Government such as laws, public records and OS mapping.
Can you use material that have a copyright?
Yes, if I obtained permission from the author or a licence to use the software; Any material used in my work needs to be acknowledged
What other laws in addition to laws exist that protect companies’ information?
- Companies Act 2006
- Consumer Protection Act 1987
- Intellectual Property Laws
What is an NDA?
Non Disclosure Agreement; It’s a legal contract between two or ore parties that outlines confidential information that is to be kept secrete and not shared with others;
What is the new proposed RICS data protection document called?
Professional Statement on Data Handling and Prevention of Crime.
Talk me through the Bus Shelter project?
- S: Gather the ownership details of the shelter land plots included in the scheme
- T: Due diligence; access LR, Essex Highway map and other sources to gather info;
- A: carry out the due diligence and arrange this info into a filing system sorted by District
- R: All the info was then stored in a user-friendly and intuitive filing system, saved within Virtual Protection Network; and a summary sheet was then provide results and purchase recommendations
What was your reasoned advice regarding the Bus Shelter project?
- Given the large volume and type of data requested,
- I advised to arrange a digital filing system based on a geographical structure of folders and sub-folders
- This would provide an organised, user friendly and protected system to enable the client to access the information sheet;
What was your reasoned advice regarding the Bridge Structure?
In order to more facilitate the management and procurement of maintenance contracts, some of which relied on third-party land access, I advised to create a central project system tracker that would summarise key information, such as works required, timeline and land status.
What was the purpose of creating such system for the Bridge Structure project?
Create a system that contained all inform within one place and give an overview of risks for each scheme based on accessibility and land permission required;
What was the benefits of creating such system for the Bridge Structure project?
To provide an user friendly system for the project managers to navigate, and enable them to make more informed decision on which scheme to priorities and which ones to put on hold
Also create a secure system, as it contained all the necessary data within one place.
What is GOAD?
Goad Plan Data is a dataset that covers retail areas within urban areas and includes info such as retail occupancy, category, floor space, fascia name and a wealth of other detail.
What is the difference between primary and secondary source of information?
Primary source of data refer to information obtained directly from the property being valued or from the parties involved in the transaction, while secondary source of info refer to data obtained from external resources;
Primary: info from tenancy document or seller or buyer interview
Secondary: property transaction database, market reports
What are the weakness of primary and secondary source of info?
- Primary data may have inaccuracies due to human error
- Secondary data may be outdated
What is CoStar and what info can be extracted?
CoStar is database that provides a range of data on properties, transactions, leases and tenants. Fro this software you can extract:
- Property info, such as size, construction type and amenities
- Transaction data: info on sale prices, dates and buyer and seller info
- Lease data: lease transactions and info on lease terms and tenant
- Market reports: property trends, vacancy rates and absorption rates
What are the pros and cons of CoStar?
- Comprehensive coverage across the UK
- Regularly updated with info on new transactions
- Quality and robust control process
- High costs and less accessible for small firms
- Limited data on small properties and off-market transactions
- Potential inaccuracies on property classification and other info
What sort of characteristics would this system need to have?
This would need to be:
- intuitive and user friendly, to enable project managers easily identify each project current situation
- be secure as this contained confidential information regarding landowners
- Colour based system to understand the risk involved with the land agreement
What is your reasoned advice with the Bus Shelter portfolio?
Due to the type of information required, I advised to create an information sheet for each bus site and
What is BCIS and what info can you find on it?
Stand for Build Costs Information Services and provides costs, price data of the construction industry
It can include:
- Build costs indexes and inflation rates
- Average costs psm or per unit for different type of properties and locations
- Trends and forecast
- Data on construction material, labor rates
- Cost breakdown for different types of building projects, such a new build, refurb and extension
Where does BCIS collects build costs from?
- Tender prices submitted from contractors
- Projects previously completed
- Cost data provided by suppliers
- Surveys undertaken by professionals (QS, architects)
- Government statistics (Office National Statistics)
What is the downside with using BCIS costs?
- There may be significant differences in design and specification between the subject development and the average cost provided by BCIS
- Time lag factor in collecting data, therefore the costs adopted may not be up to date with current conditions
- Limited scope: BCIS costs may not cover all the type of aspects that my subject require
What information gives you a Credit score in D&B?
Company’s reliability and financial stability
What is cyber security?
It’s the term to describe the technologies and practices designed to protect devices, networks from attacks, damage or unauthorized access
What is a cyber attcks?
Occurs someone illegally access devices and networks for damage or steal info
Why is cybercrime important now?
Because cybercrimes have become very common and ave become one of the most common criminal offence. Most organisation have now been subject to it.
As technology evolves even hacking are getting more sophisticated so there is a need to secure information to avoid breaches and protect everyone
What type of cybercrimes are you aware of?
- Hacking
- Malware/viruses
- Phising emails
- Breach of copyright
How do you mitigate the risk of cyber attcks?
- Keep operating systems and antiviruses always up to date
- not open attachments before verifying and from unfamiliar sources
- Have firewalls
- Be suspicious of techniques that create a sense of urgency
- Use secure websites