Darwin // Evolutionary thinking (lec 4), Chapter 5 Flashcards
what is the species problems ?
= the queastion about where all the diferent species on the earth came from // and why did they go extint a.)the argument from deisgn (nature iscomplex and superior being must be respnsible ( Intelligent design ))
what is lamarck’s ‘chain of being’ ?
- species arragnged based on complexity– continually evolving in complexity
what is lamarck’s ‘inheritcance of acquired characteristics
= traits dev3loped during lifetime would be passed down to the next generation
what is catastrophism
catastrophic events, caused by God, responsble for geological change
what is uniformitarianism
- uniform laws create geological changes iver very long periods of time through erosion, weather, volcanoes, earthquakes
please define natural selection
- those with the adaptive advantages are best fit for suvival , over time those characteristics become more common, ie Finches w/ varying beak size and shape
please define sexual selection
traitss or characterisitics that related to mate competition
what is functionalism
- adaptive function of mental process and behaviours (eg. Consciousness and habit formation ) - asked the question as why things developed the way they do
What is comparative psychology?
- similarities and differences b/n animals species with respect to mental and emotional processes
why is is difficult to studying humans according to Darwin ?
- our emotiona lexpereonces are often inhibited - cannot concurrently have a strong emotuion and rationally think about it —> argued should study chilidren and the insane (less inhibited) —> cross-cultural comparisons of emotional exp – basic emotuions are expressed universally (ie. Smiling) –> studying emotional expression in animals
what is serviceable associated habits
- expresion of emotion was functional - they became associated with other similiar situations, these acquired exp were then inherited
what is an antithesis
- opposing emotions are expressed in opposing ways in the body (ie. frown vs. smile or bigger=aggressoin vs. smaller=submission )
what is ‘direct action of the N.S ‘
- physiological effects of the emotion (ie. flushing of the face, trembling )
what is anthropomorphisms:
attribute human characteristics to non-humans
please elaborate and explain ‘ Lloyd Morgan’s Canon’
- ‘explaninations for animal behaviour should be no more complex than observational evidence allowed ‘ - if there is a lower psychological explanation, take that over the higher // parsimony ( the ‘suicidal’ scorpion actually died due to reflex)
please elaborate on survey method
- developed by Galton -asked elite how nuc they thought their scientific interests appeared innate, got about 100 usable responses - scientific interest innate:people reported having the interest from very young ages - reported findings in ‘English Men of Science:their Nature and Nurture’ (1874)
please elaborate on Galton’s Eugenics
- positive eugenices- encouraged partticular people to procreate - ‘better -type females do not avoid pregnancy (anti-feminist mentality )
what is the word -association task
- indicate associations that come to mind when word is presented to individual - Galton found that the resutls of associations were repetitive