Dante's Inferno Study Guide Flashcards
List the structure of Hell with every sin
vestibule to Hell- did not make decision of heaven or hell
Barrier: Acheron
1st circle- Limbo
2nd circle- Lustful
3rd circle- Gluttonous
4th circle- Avarice (greed)
5th circle- Wrathful
Barrier: City of Dis/Styx
6th circle- Heresy
7th circle- Violent Sins
1st ring- violence against neighbors
2nd ring- suicides and squanderers
3rd ring- violence against God, Art, and Nature
1st zone- blasphemers
2nd zone- Sodomites
3rd zone- Usury
Barrier: Geryon
8th circle- Regular fraud, Malebolge, against the natural bonds of humanity
1st bolgia- Seducers and Panderers
2nd bolgia- Flatterers
3rd bolgia- Simoniacs
4th bolgia- Fortune Tellers and Diviners
5th bolgia- Grafters and Barrators
6th bolgia- Hypocrisy
7th bolgia- Thievery
8th bolgia- Fraudulent/Evil Counselors
9th bolgia- Sowers of Scandal and Schism
10th bolgia- Falsifiers
9th circle- Personal Fraud
1st ring- treachery toward kin
2nd ring- treachery toward homeland/party
3rd ring- treachery toward guests
4th ring- treachery toward benefactors
vestibule of Hell
did not decide whether or not they believed in God, no will, chasing banners, being stung by wasps, stuck between heaven and hell. because they did not make the decision between heaven and hell, they are now stuck between them. chasing banners- chasing something (God) they will never have
unbaptized children/people, people who live before Christ, no choice, wander around in sorrow, sorrowful because can never be near God
wanted sex too much, bad feelings toward opposite gender, needed to fulfill sexual desires, eternal storm, blown by wind against cliff, because passage in Bible that says the lustful are like a hellish hurricane
too much food, ate excessively, filthy and cold water raining down on them, lie on ground and tormented by Cerberus, because earthly things that go away are like garbage (filth)
too much money and possessions, greedy and spendthrifts, push weights in semicircle, hit each other, scold each other, weights represent the huge load of things they spent on earth
too much justice when it should be left to God, submerged in boiling mud of the River Styx, tear at each other, represents their hot rage for justice
believe things that do not coincide with church doctrine and the Bible, burned by fire within tombs, Dante compares these to baptismal pools, because heretics are not expected to be burning in the pools that they rejected
killing neighbors, drowned in boiling blood, if tried to climb out, shot by centaurs, level of submersion=how much you killed, represented all the blood they spilled
killed themselves to remove themselves from the world, disguised as trees because cannot be responsible to handle their own bodies, will hang on trees when Jesus returns to destroy hell
didn’t appreciate what they had, destroyed their land/property which was like killing yourself back then, eaten by dogs, dogs represent the sinners, sinners represent the property
removed God from holy standing, honored themselves or other gods, fiery sands and fire raining down on them, represents the wrath of God
unnatural sexual desires (homosexuality, animals), running on the fiery sands with fire raining down, if stopped, stayed there for 100-1000 more years, represents destruction brought by God on Sodom and Gomorrah
making money off of excessive interest, sitting beneath rain of fire with purses bearing family emblem, sitting = lazy, families: nobility of Florence - represents the city’s downfall, shame brought to families
Panderers and Seducers
providing prostitutes with clients, convincing a person to do something with sex, running side to side and being whipped/scourged by demons, also imprisoned in chains, because trapped others with their bodies
excessive praise to get something they want, buried in human excrement, represents the real value of their words, what they were hiding
buying/selling positions in the church, head first in deep holes with feet burning, when another sinner comes along, they sink deeper into the hole, descending into hole because they tried to ascend into the church, and because disciples had fire over heads when they received the HS, not doing what disciples wanted so fire on feet
fortune tellers and diviners
heads are on backwards, walking backwards now, saw into the future, now they have to face the past
barrators and grafters
b: illegal process to sell or buy political positions
g: using position for money
in boiling tar being pitchforked by demons for unfair things, because they were unfair in there ways to get political positions
telling someone not to do something and then doing it yourself, wore decorated robes with lead underneath, because looked nice and upstanding but really just as ugly/bad on the inside
taking things that aren’t yours, bound by hands through loin snake, bound around the neck and head by snake, dragons shoot fire at them, burn to ashes then reappear, transform into snakes, snakes and dragons = serpent which is what Satan was in the garden, represents deception
fraudulent counselors
giving false counsel, clothed, surrounded by flames, ???
sowers of scandal and schism
gossip that created strife and separation, punished by being cut in half by sword yielded by demon, healed and cut again, because divided others on earth
alchemists (falsifiers of metals)
turn base metals into fake gold, bodies covered in scabs, turned something good into something bad, bodies going from good to bad
counterfeiters of other people
disguised as other people, no identities, crazy/mad, because they stole other’s identities, they now don’t have an identity at all
counterfeiters of coins
making false money, fluid retention/dehydration, remind sinner of place where he made them: Florence near tons of rivers
told someone something that did not happen when another thing did, unable to move, fever/sickness, rumors/lies are like a disease that you can’t control and now the liars aren’t able to control themselves
treachery toward kin
frozen with heads down, crying, chattering teeth, shamed position, love gone from their “cold” hearts
treachery toward homeland/party
gnawing on each other’s head, because traitors to each other so now they must cause each other annoyance
treachery toward guests
jutting out of ice, eyes sealed shut by frozen tears,
treachery toward benefactors
fully covered by ice, nearest to Satan, Brutus, Cassius, and Judas are special, gnawed on by Satan’s three heads, Brutus and Cassius betrayed Holy Roman Empire and its leader, Judas betrayed the Son of God, Jesus Christ