Bunyan's Apology Flashcards
I further though, if now I did deny
Those that would have it, thus to gratify.
I did not know but hinder them I might
Of that which would to them be great delight.
If I believe that a book may produce great delight, then I ought to publish it.
I believe that this book may produce great delight.
Therefore, I ought to publish this book.
I not write in such a stile (style) as this?
In such a method, too, and yet not miss
My end–thy good? why may it not be done? Dark
Clouds bring water, when the bright bring none.
Yea, dark or bright, if they their silver drops
Cause to descend, the earth, by yielding crops,
Gives praise to both, and carpeth not at either,
But treasures up the fruit they yield together;
If publishing a book may bring a good end to someone, than that book ought to be published.
This book may bring a good end to someone.
Therefore, this book ought to be published.
Am I afraid to say, that Holy Writ,
Which for its Stile (style) and Phrase puts down all Wit,
Is everywhere so full of all these things-
Dark Figures, Allegories? Yet there springs
From that same Book that lustre, and those rays
Of light, that turn our darkest nights to days.
If a literary device is used in the Bible, then it is permissible to use it in literature.
A metaphor is a literary device used in the Bible.
Therefore, it is permissible to use it in literature.