DA42 NG Checklist Memory Items Flashcards
List the starting engine memory items once the key has been turned
1) annunciations/engine/system page = check normal/ok
2) annunciations/starter = check off
3) annunciations/oil pressure = check ok
4) circuit breakers = check all in/as req
5) idle rpm = check 710rpm +/-30
List the taxi memory items
1) Park brake = release
2) brakes = test
3) NWS = check
4) instruments/avionics = check
5) fuel pumps = off
6) fuel selectors = both crossfeed
Once stopped for before T/O checks
7)fuel selectors = both on
List the ECU/fuel pump test memory items
1) ECU test buttons = press and hold
2) ECU A/B fail lights = on
ECU test runs
3) ECU A/B fail lights = both off
Test sequence completed
4) ECU test button = release
5) VOTER switch = ECU A
6) Engine = check running
7) VOTER switch = auto
8) Engine check running = check running
9) VOTER switch = ECU B
10) Engine = check running
11) VOTER switch = auto
List the runway entry memory items
1) strobes = on
2) landing light = on
3) pitot heat = as req
4) stall heat warm = check
List the takeoff (with flaps up) memory items
1) Transponder = as req
2) timer = start
3) power lever = max
4) elevator = neutral
5) rudder = maintain direction
6) nose wheel lift off = min 80KIAS
When safe climb established
7) brakes = apply
8) gear = up
9) fuel pumps = both off
10) alternate air = as req
List the approach and landing memory items
1) ldg light = as req
2) gear warning horn = check
3) fuel selector = check on
4) fuel pumps = on
5) altimeters = set and cross check
6) ldg gear = down 3 green
7) park brake = released
8) trim = as req (rudder trim neutral)
9) flaps = as req
List the final safety check memory items
1) gear = down 3 green
2) approach = stable
3) flaps = as req
List the go-around memory items
1) power = max
2) flaps = app
3) speed = as req
Once +ve ROC
4) gear = up
5) flaps = up
Once safe climb established
6) fuel pumps = off
7) ldg light = as req
8) altimeters = check
9) radio/navaids = check