D Flashcards
An organism, like a bacterium, that cause the decay of a dead plant and animal matter
Deep scattering layer
A concentrated layer of midwater organisms that can reflect and scatter sound waves produced by sonar devices
Deep sea
The deep lower regions of the ocean where sunlight doesn’t penetrate
Deposit feeder
An animal that feeds by consuming detritus on or in the sea floor
Dermal denticle
Tooth like scales on the body of a shark
Particles from decaying plants and animals
Microscopic one celled algae with silica cell walls
Dissolved oxygen
Oxygen gas that’s mixed in with a fluid like water
On or toward the back or top side
Dorsal fin
A fin on a fish’s back
A net attached to a frame that’s dragged along the ocean bottom to collect animals
Drift seaweed
A piece of seaweed that has broken free of its attachment and drifts with ocean currents