D Flashcards


D1 - Close


Now (Name & Spouse), based on my understanding of your family’s situation, my advice is that you definitely need to have this in place because: (pick 3 solid ones)
You currently do not have any permanent benefits
You know how funeral and final expenses can be and you don’t want to leave left behind to the family and the kids
Your kids are still growing and there’s a higher chance of injury, which adds financial burden to the family.
There’s a family history of cancer, and as you know, those expenses do add up quickly.
You’ve been injured before, so you know exactly how important it is to have something to take care of the family.
The paycheque protection is going to be super important to help take care of the kids if you pass away.
So, my advice is to start with the silver (or bronze) and get your foot in the door and make sure you can qualify. Now, I don’t recommend the platinum program for you guys, but I think the silver makes the most sense for you. Wouldn’t it make more sense to start off with the silver (bronze) for now, and then upgrade later?
Great! Now, before I can promise you anything, let me ask you the medical questions to see if you can even qualify. And if everything looks good, we can set it up so that you guys can be temporarily covered as of tomorrow morning. Which means if you get injured from now until they finalize the approval (6-8 weeks), they will back pay you any amounts they owe you, up until tomorrow morning. Does that sound good?

Awesome. So I’ll set this up for you guys, and while I’m doing that, I need you to grab a few things for me so we can set this up properly.
First, they will need any prescription medications you’re currently taking.
Second, they’ll need your driver’s license to verify you address and information.
Third, because all these benefits are tax-free, they will need your SIN number to make sure you’re a tax paying citizen of Canada.
Fourth, because they will direct DEPOSIT, and WITHDRAW these amounts from your account automatically, they will need either a void cheque or direct deposit form. If you do online banking, I can teach you how to access that.
So go ahead and grab those things while I get this set up for you.

(Set up E-app and fill it out, ask all the questions, and send to client for signatures)

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D2 - Cement


What comes next:

Awesome so, your policies should arrive within the next 6-8 wks., once received you’ve been permanently qualified and accepted.
In the meantime, a few things will happen.
Someone from head office (Waco, Texas) will give you a quick call to go over the same yes/no medical questions that I went over with you. If you have any problems with it, let me know and I can help you out.
They may send a doctor or a nurse to your place to check on your health. If they do, it’s at no cost to you and at your convenience. It’s basically a free in-home check up.

Now, there’s 3 possibilities for these benefits.
If everything looks great, they will approve you standard, which means you will get all the benefits we talked about today and the price stays the same.
If they do find something to be of risk, they may increase the monthly amount for a few dollars per month. But you still get to keep all the benefits. If the amount increased is too much, you will have an option to bring it back to the ($150/ month), and they will just lower the benefits a tiny bit.
If they do find something to be of major risk, they may decline you. If this happens and there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it, they will refund you the money, so you don’t lose out on anything.

Lastly, make sure you save my phone number. I will give you a quick call in a few days once I’ve submitted everything and update you, and I will call you again once you receive the blue folder in the mail. As well, I will give you a call to let you know when your benefits are approved. If there are any questions, feel free to text/call me at anytime.

Let me know if you receive the email for signatures, and if you need any help!
(wait for signatures to be done, check your e-app and make sure signatures are completed)

(make sure HP Pro report card is done!)

Awesome, so I’ll take care of the file for you and your family and I’ll give you a quick call in a couple of days. Congratulations once again for taking this important step to protect your family, make sure you have my number saved, and I’ll talk to you in a few days!

Have a great evening! Take care!

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