A Flashcards




Hi, (Member), can you hear me ok? Awesome, you guys are looking good. How’s your day going?

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Union Sit


Ok, Let’s jump right in, some really important things to go over. Has anyone come by in the past before covid to set up your benefits or is this the first time? Did you get a chance to read the letter that came with the card you filled out? Do you get very involved with your union? Have you ever gone to the meeting when they’ve talked about your permanent options? Have you ever read the newsletter?

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Childsafe Sit


Ok, Let’s jump right in, some really important things to go over. Did you ever get a chance to read the letter that came with the card online? Is this the first time you’ve done a child safe kit? What was the main reason you wanted to get one done?

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Willkit Sit


Ok, Let’s jump right in, some really important things to go over. Did you ever get a chance to read the letter that came with the card online? Is this the first time you’ve done a will? What was the main reason you wanted to get one done?

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Referral Sit


Ok, so you’re probably wondering what (sponsor) set up for you, What did (Sponsor) get a chance to fill you inso far? [Wait for answer]

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Intro 2


Okay, I should back up and explain.

My name is _____ and I’m with AIL Canada (Show ID BADGE). And we take care of the permanent benefits for anyone that’s part of a major union or association all over BC and all over North America. So you know how the police, firefighters, and teachers get the best benefits, that’s basically what we do. And our head office for BC is here in Burnaby right by Metrotown.[Share Google Map]. So this is where we do the permanent benefits for most major unions and associations in BC.

Now do you know what I mean by permanent benefits? [Wait for response] Well most people have benefits at work. But when you leave your job, or you retire, or you get laid off like so many people have with everything going on, what do you think happens to those benefits? Exactly, they disappear just like that… and that’s the biggest concern that everyone has because it means that at some point all your benefits go away and there’s nothing there to protect you when you need it the most.

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A2 - Two Reasons


So there’s two parts to how they fixed that problem and that’s what I’ll go over with you:
First, you get a no-cost package that’s already been taken care of, I’ll show you that first because it has a lot of really important things in there that I’ll be mailing out to you. [Show free stuff]
And the second and most important part is… you actually get a ONE-TIME access to try and qualify for the same permanent benefits that we do for most major union and association members. Now these benefits are really good and they never expire. Because of that, they do have a cost, but the good news is, you get to choose and decide what makes the most sense for you and your family. If you like it, great, I can try to help you out and see if you qualify. And if not, it’s all good, they just ask for a quick report card at the end, so they know that I’ve done my job properly, and you still get the no-cost package regardless. Does that make sense?

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A3 - AD&D


Great, let’s start with the no cost package then.

The first benefit that you get is a $2,000 accidental death and dismemberment certificate. So if you pass away in an accident it goes to your beneficiary. It doesn’t cost you anything, and has already been paid for. I know $2,000 isn’t going to cover everything if you pass away; but the advantage this has is it DOES pay out right away that same week. Now (Name), if something happens to you, for example, you’re driving on the road and get into a bad car accident, and you pass away, who do you want the money to go to? (keep in mind they do have to be over 18 to receive this). Now, if that person isn’t available, or they’ve passed away before you, who would it go to instead?
[take note of their name and relation]
Okay, I’m going to e-mail and text it to you right now, let me know when you’ve gotten it.
[Receive verbal confirmation]

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A3 - Vision Discount Card


Next is the vision discount card. This gets you 30% off glasses at any Loblaws or Superstore all over BC (Point at the logos). Now the best part is that this works on top of your work benefits or any other benefits you may have. All you have to do is give this to the cashier, and they’ll take the 30% off right away, and then you can submit your receipts into your benefits like normal. NOW, the vision discount is a ONE-TIME use only, BUT, if you do end up qualifying for the permanent benefits in the blue folder (hold-up blue folder & tap it), they send you one of these every year in the mail. So it becomes an ongoing vision discount.

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A3 - Child Safety Kit


Next is the Child safety kits, have you heard of the Amber alerts before? (Yes/No) So the Amber alerts are the country wide system that police and emergency responders use to make sure that missing kids are brought home safely to their parents. As you can see (point to IUPA logo), the kit is endorsed by the International Union of Police Associations. Because we work with unions, the IPUA have asked us to send these out to every family that we meet with to make sure all the kids in the community are safe. As well, they realize that a lot of families never get access to this, but this is super important for anyone with children under 18. I’ll teach you how to fill it out, all you need to do is fill it out, and keep it somewhere safe at home, you DON’T have to send anything back to me (wave hands to show “NO”)
[Screen share]

So the kits help keep your kids safe in 2 ways.
1. In case something happens to your kids, call 911 right away, hand this over to the police, and they can use the info in the orange panel to issue out the Amber Alerts in as little as 15 minutes. Without these, it can take anywhere from 4-12 hours to issue out those Amber Alerts. 15 min vs 12 hours! That’s literally day and night!
2. If there’s a medical emergency, the EMTs or Nurses need to have your child’s medical information to help them out.
Any questions about the childsafe kits? (Wait for response). They used to do these in schools, but now with budget cuts and everything going on, they don’t do it anymore. Would you be able to help us get these out to friends and family with kids in your community? We want to make sure every family gets these because they’re that important. I’ll show you how to do that in a few minutes.

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A3 - Family Information Guide


The next thing they have for you is the family information guide (hold up hard copy), this is for estate planning and emergency contacts. Once again, I’ll show you how to fill it out, and send it to you, then all you do is fill it out and keep it somewhere safe at home. You don’t send anything back to me. (If Spouse: I’ll send you 2 copies so you and your spouse can each fill in your own)
[Share screen & prepare annotate function]
The first section is your basic information, so (Name) your information goes here, and if there’s a spouse their information goes here, and just vice versa on their copy.
The first IMPORTANT section is “persons to be notified”. Now (Name), if something happens to you and you need to call someone for help, who’s the first person that comes to mind outside of your immediate household? Okay, what’s their name? (get name).
Okay, if they’re not available, or they miss your call or their phone runs out of battery, who’s the next person you would call? Okay, what’s their name? (get name).
Now if it’s a smaller emergency, like you had a few drinks with your friends, and you need a ride home, but don’t want to worry your family, who’s the first friend that you’d call? (get name).
[Repeat for spouse if necessary]
Great! Now make sure you also put their phone numbers down as well, because nowadays, when everyone has one of these (hold up your phone), nobody is memorizing phone numbers anymore. (laugh and smile).
Next is the last will and testament section, have you every filled out a will before? (if not: okay, no worries I’ll teach you how to do that in a minute.)
So what you want to do here is fill out your executor, that’s the person that takes care of your will for you, as well as the location of where your will is kept. Because if nobody can find your will, it’s the same as not having one in the first place.
Next is your estate information (Unshare Screen). BONUS
Now (name) have you ever heard of the term, settling your estate before? (wait for response)
Okay, so basically, when a person passes away, 2 things happen: (use hand motions)
First, they are going to have some assets, it could a house, car, electronics, savings acct, whatever that may be.
On the other hand, they’re also going to have some debts, mortgage/rent, car payments, credit card debts, student loans, whatever that may be as well.
Now what MOST people do, is that they have some form of life insurance to pay off the debts, so that the debt’s don’t eat into your assets, AND they don’t get left behind to the family or especially the kids. ( if kids: Because nobody wants to leave debt behind to their kids.)
So (name & spouse), do you guys have any form of life insurances for yourselves outside of work?
(if they mention only work insurance: Okay, so that is a big concern because if anything happens to you outside of work, you’re not covered then!)
(if they mention they have some sort of separate insurance: Okay, that’s good! When does that one expire? 10 years or 20 years? (wait for response). Okay, so that means if you pass away at age (their age +11/21) there’s nothing left for the family. )
Now that’s a big problem, because obviously you don’t want to leave any debt behind when you pass away right? (wait for response). Now the good news is, AIL gave it a lot of thought, any realized that this was a big problem, so they decided to take care of it through the permanent benefits. And I’ll explain how those work in a few minutes.

The last part here is the “funeral service requests”
Now (Name) have you ever taken care of a funeral before? (wait for response). Okay, so what you want to do here is write down whether you want a cremation or earth burial for yourself here, as well as any special instructions you may have. This way it makes it a lot easier for the family that’s left behind to deal with everything.
Just out of curiosity, do you know how much a cremation or an earth burial typically costs in the Lower Mainland? (if they give you a higher number, agree with their number). (Otherwise: Typically cremations range from $4,000 to $8,000 per person. Earth burials on the other hand usually start at $10,000 and can get as high as $15,000 or even $25,000. And that’s only if you have the plot). So make sure that you have something set aside to take of those expenses! Or, the permanent benefits help take care of that too, and I can explain that in a little bit.
So that’s your family information guide. Any questions about that?

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A3 - Willkit


Last thing they have for you is the No Cost legal will kit. I’ll give you the website and promo code, and show you how to fill it out. Let me know when you can see my screen (share screen)
So the website is: www.canadawills.com/willkit, and the promo code is: gh76u. Once you enter that in, accept the terms & conditions, and you can start filling out your will step by step. It’s already been laid out for you, so all you have to do is fill-in-the-blanks. If there are any questions, hover over the little “I” bubbles, or click on them, and there will be specific instructions on how to fill everything out. This way you can fill out your entire will. Once this is done, there’s still 2 quick steps. First, they will email everything back to you in a PDF, so you need to print it out so that it becomes a hard copy paper will. Second, you need to get 2 witnesses to sign off on the will for you. They cannot be A. Immediate family, B. A Beneficiary. Once you get the 2 signatures, your will is good to go. Any questions?

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A4 - Recap


Great, so that’s your No-Cost Benefits Package. Just to re-cap you’ll be getting the $2,000 AD&D Certificate, Vision discount card for 30% off glasses, X # Childsafe kits, X Family information guide, and the Website and promo code to do your will.
Now (Name), hopefully you can see how IMPORTANT and VALUABLE all of this stuff is! (tap the package*)
(Get their confirmation that it is valuable. If they do not confirm it, you will get no referrals)
So normally, this is only reserved for union members, but because of everything going on, they realized that everyone needs this package to help keep the family safe. So what they’ve done, is they’ve given you 10 credits, so you can EXTEND this exact same package out to the people you care about the most! It’s at NO COST to you, and at NO COST to them, it’s already been taken care of. What they do need though, to get these packages mailed out to everyone properly, is they need a name, the city that they live in, and a phone number to verify that these are real people. That way, we can get these packages out to everyone in your family and close friends. Does that make sense?

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A4 - Referral


[Pull up referral tool]
Let’s start with your (relation, name) [input into ref tool], what’s their spouse’s name? City? How many kids do they have under 18 living with them?
(Go with the flow, if you started off with parents, get the family first before you move on to friends, let the train of thought flow smoothly).
Parents, siblings, (kids), aunts, uncles, cousins, niece/nephew. [You should get minimum 3 from FIG] after you assumptively fill in the first 3, just ask “okay, who’s next?”
(at the first “I don’t know” or, “that’s all I can think of”, remind them of the child safe kits)
Okay, so we got the family, now, these childsafe kits are super important for families with kids under 18, who do you know that has 3 or more kids? 2 kids? (you should be able to get at least another 3-4 names minimum)
(at this point, you should be at anywhere from 6-10 referrals).
Now, since this is super VALUABLE and IMPORTANT, we don’t want to miss out any family or close friends. Imagine if we missed out 1 person that really needed it, they would feel terrible, right? So go ahead and pull out your phone and scroll through you contacts to make sure we didn’t miss a single person that needs this. (typically adds 2-5 more referrals.)

(Round to the nearest 5 or 0.) (Ex. If they gave you 13): Okay, we got 2 spots left, let’s use it up so they credits don’t go to waste. Who’s next? **PRO MOVE: After they give you 10th or 15th, or 20th, ignore it and keep saying “who’s next” (may get you 1 to 2 more usually).
[At this point, if they’re following along, you will be at anywhere from 10-20 referrals.]
(Once they’re completely tapped out)
Okay great! We’ve helped out a lot of the family and friends, and we’re gonna make sure they are all going to get the package. Now the last thing we need to do is give them a heads up that they’ll be getting something in the mail, so I’m going to send you a quick text, let me know when you get it, and we’ll copy it, and paste it to everyone on the list so they have the heads up.

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A4 - Text Body


Hey, got you a will/childsafe kit with some benefits. With Victor right now, he’s my rep. If he doesn’t reach out within the next hour, his number is 604-345-2030. Really good to have. He will be able to go over all the info with you. Keep this confirmation code: MMDDYYXX.

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