B Flashcards


B1 - Transition


Okay, I’ll make sure everyone gets their own package. Now, I want to go over the most important part, which is the permanent benefits.
Now (name), do you know the role of the unions in general? (Yes/no)
One major advantage that union members have is that their benefits are negotiated with their entire group. BUT when they leave their job or retire, they still lose all or most of their work benefits just like everyone else. The other problem is if you try to get something private on your own afterwards, then the rates are usually way too high. So what they did was they negotiated these benefits to fill in the most important gaps that you’re missing, and they will go with you for life.
AIL does these benefits for most of the major unions and associations in North America. Including the Teamsters, the truck drivers, paramedics and teachers (CUPE), and electric workers (IBEW). We work with over 45,000 groups in total and we’ve been around for over 70 years. And that’s good for you is because there is POWER in numbers. So when the entire labour advisory board negotiates it for you, you get a better program with more value for what YOU actually need. I think a lot of the time most people know they need something permanent at home, but they don’t know where to go, so it helps to have that connection.. Does that make sense?

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B2 - Gaps


So there are 4 major concerns they realized over the years:
First, you need something to cover accidents and injuries. ESPECIALLY off the job! Because on the job, when something happens at work… we’re USUALLY covered. But if you get injured outside of work, you’re typically on your own.
Second, is you need something to cover your funeral and final expenses. Because regardless of who you are, or what age you’re at, we’re all going to have one eventually, and it’s not going to be cheap.
Third, is cancer expenses. This is a big one because the Canadian Cancer Society says that in 1 in 2 Canadians will eventually get diagnosed with cancer sometime in their life. Do you know anyone that has gone through cancer? (respond appropriately). Typically, if you get cancer, work doesn’t cover that for you, and you’re on your own.
Fourth is paycheck protection. Because if you’re not around your paycheck disappears too, yet your expenses stay the same. So they set up a way to protect your paycheck and help the family.

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B3 - Packages


So (Name) they have 4 programs for members — A Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Platinum is for the members who usually have no benefits at all and large family with 7 or 8 kids, because it covers everyone in the family. So that’s $450/month, Gold is the most common one at $250, Silver is also really popular and it’s $175, and Bronze is JUST $125 and still covers all the basics. These prices are for the whole family not per person. Most families usually go for the silver or gold, I’ll ask you in a few moments which one you want to see, and the computer will customize a program for you. Now, the features that come with the benefits are the most important part. So the first one is..

GAP FILLER: This program is designed to fill in the gaps that work doesn’t cover for you. On the off chance that you have amazing work benefits, these ones do not overlap and will pay out above your existing benefits. 
EXCLUSIVE: Normally this is only reserved for union members, but since (referrer) has an in with the unions, they’ve also given you a 1-time access to try and qualify for the benefits today.
PORTABLE & PRIVATE - Do you know what that means? Unlike your work benefits which you lose when you leave, these ones you get to keep and you can take them with you wherever you go. Even if you retire or live somewhere else in the future.
NEVER EXPIRES (Skip if showing term) - So you know how most benefits expire at 60 or 65? Once you qualify for these ones, they go with you for life and do not expire.
FIXED RATE (Skip if showing term) - With most benefits, do you know what happens to your rates as you get older? Exactly, they usually go up. Since these are permanent benefits, the rate gets locked in today at your current age and it never changes.
UPGRADABLE/DOWNGRADABLE - My personal favorite feature is that the program is upgradeable/downgradeable. let’s say you qualify for the Silver plan and at some point life changes and you need to move up to the Gold, or down to a bronze, you can do that at any time by just giving me a call. It’s always flexible and in your independent control.
QUALIFY - The only requirement on your end is you have to qualify, and that just depends on health. How are you doing health wise?

Great, so give me a quick moment, I’m going to ask you a few basic questions, and the computer is going to customize a program based on your situation.

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