Cytokines Flashcards
GRANULOCYTE-MONOCYTE colony stimulating factor Source: Monocyte, Fibroblasts, Endothelial Cells, T cells Target: Myeloid progenitor Role: -differentiation of a myeloid progenitor to a GM progenitor in hematopoiesis -enhances dendritic cell maturation, proliferation and migration
Monocyte colong stimulating factor
Source: monocyte, Fibroblasts, Endothelial cells.
Target: GM Progenitor
Role: Differentiation of a GM progenitor to a monocyte in hematopoeises. assist in migration of precursors of Dendritic cells
Granulocyte Colony stimulating factor Source: Monocyte, Fibroblasts, Endothelial cells Target: GM progenitor Role: differentiation of a GM-progenitor to a granulocyte in hematopoeisis.
Cytokines and Monocyte differentiation pathway
source: macrophages
Target: Monocytes, Vascular endothelium, Thp
plays a role in differentiation to macrophaged
inflammation esp with TNF
differentation of Thp
Source: Thp, Th0 Th1
Target: Tcells expressing IL-2R
Role:helps change Th0 to Th1
Growth factor for T-cells expressing IL-2R(Thp, Th0, Th1, pCTL) (leads to clonal expansion)
differentiation of pre-CTL to CTL with IFN gamma
high concentration can convert NK cells to LAK cells that are potent klllers of tumor cells.
Source: activated T-cells
Target: Basophils, Pluripotent progenitors cells
Role: assists in differentiation of pluripotent cell to lympoid and GM progenitor. helps basophils mature in bone marrow
Source: Th2 cells, Th0, Basophils, Mast Cells.
Role: Down regulate iNOS
required to isotype switch to IgE
Down regulation of Th1 cytokines
polarizes differentiation of Th0 to Th2
Used to induce in vitro differentiation of Dendritic cells.
Source: Th2, Mast Cells, Basophils
Target: Eosinophils
Role: differentiates and assists migration of Eosinophils
Source, Macrophage, Th2
Target: hepatocyte, Thp, TH2
binds to cognate receptors on hepatocytes which leads to secreation of C-reactive protein (CRP)
plays a role in differentation of Thp to Th17
IL 7
Source: thymus, bone marrow?
differentiates Lymphoid progenitor to NK cell.
Plays a role in Central tolerance by helping selecte t-cells that are reactive to foreign peptides and not self peptides
IL 10
Source: Th2 cells
Role: downregulate iNOS
downregulates IL-12 secretion by APC’s (dendritic cells)
Source:Dendritic cells, Macrophages
Target: NK cells
Activates NK cells to secrete IFN gamma
Source:epithelial and fibroblast cell lines, activated by monocytes/macrophages and dendritic cell.
Target: NK cells
Role: enhances IFN gamma induced by IL-12
shares many bio activites with IL 2
signals via VD 132 and CD122
Source: Th17
Role: Proinflammatory cytokine IL-6, GM, CSF, G CSF
inducle IL 8
induce metalloproteinases
IL17 a is chemotactic for neutrophils
fungal infections
autoimmune disorders if Th17 is specific for antigen.
Source: mono cytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, and several non immune cells.
Target: NK Cells
Role: enhances IFN Gamma induced by IL-12
Source: Th17 cells
Target: Th17 cells
Role: acts as a growth factor for these cells
Pro inflammatory cytokine
Souce: TH17
Role, Proinflammatory cytokine
Source: Dendritic Cells, APC’s and Macrophages
Target: Th17
Role : stabilization of Th17 during differnetation of Thp cells
elevated in MS, psioraxis, Crohn’s
is a proinflammatory cytokine
Source: Macrophages(autocrine and paracrine), Secreted by Th1 cells (main producer
Target: phagocyte
Role: Enhances NADPH activity, iNOS activation
TGF Beta
Source: Th2
Target: Thp, Phagocytes
differentiation of Thp to a/iTregs
in presence of IL-1/6/23 plays role in differentiation of Thp to Th17
Down regulates iNOS
IL-1 and TNF
Target: macrophages, vascular endothelium, hypothalamus
lowering blood pressure leading to shock
enhances secretion of cytokines and chemokines by macrophages
induces vascular endotelium to secerete IL-8, (CXCL8) and MCP-1 (CCL2)
Induces de novo expression of VCAM-1 ICAM-1 and E selectin
upregulates expression of ICAM2
induces fever through hypothalamus
ligation of CD200R results inhibition.
it is expressed primarily on myeloid cells but also on a subset of T cells.
Source: NK cells Th0 Th1 cells(main Producer) CD4+
Role: enhances NADPH activity, activates iNOS
NK-secreted IFN gamma polarizes differentiation of Th0 to Th1
Down regulates production of Th2 cytokines
differentiation of pre-CTL to CTL(with IL-2)
upregulates MHC class 1 on nucleated cells and class 2 on APCs
is a type 2 interferon
IFN Alpha/beta
Secreted by virally infected cells, binding of this cytokine to neighboring cells prevents productive viral infection in those cells.
upregulate Calss I MHC
inhibit T cell proliferation
decrease in one B cell population
therapy for hairy cell leukemia, genital warts, kaposi’s sarcoma, MS, hep b/c
Target hematopoeitic cells,
Role: stimulates proliferation of hematopoietic cells
assist in migration of precursors of Dendritic cells
IL 33
source: endothelial or epithelial cells as a result of trauma or necrosis
target: Mast cells
role: upregulated in parasite infections, member of alarmin family,
Dysregulated IL-33 contributes to asthma and IBD