CYPF Flashcards
S48 cyp found unaccompanied
In a situation where Physical or mental well-being Is or is likely To be impaired Constable may using RF Take child Consent - to parent/cg No consent or parent/g not willing Deliver to chief exec
Definition of young person
Person of or over 14 but under 18
- CYP 4 primary Considerations for court / person to consider
Unless in public interest no criminal proceedings
Any measures to strengthen & foster abilities of family…
Cyp should be kept in community except to ensure public safety
Sanctions imposed maintain & promote development and least restrictive form
- Arrest cyp w/o warrant. (1) not arrest unless necessary to…
Ensure appearance at court Prevent further offences Prevent loss destruction evidence of off. interfere witnesses Summons would not achieve purpose
- Arrest w/o warrant (2) - nothing prevents arrest when…
Suspect cat 3/4 offence and max penalty life or 14+ years AND believes required in public interest
214A. Arrest cyp for breach of bail Constable arrest w/o warrant if…
Cyp released on bail
Believes breached bail
2 or more previous breaches of THAT bail
214A. Arrest cyp for breach bail - authority must be obtained from…
YAS sergeant Or Sergeant or above Or Qualified YAS officer
- When a CYP arrested, a constable shall…
Release the CYP
Release CYP on bail. Or
Deliver CYP to parent/G. Or
Agreement of CYP to Iwi cultural service or
Agreement of CYP to any other person or organisation approved by chief executive or constable
235.CYP arrested and not bailed must be placed
CYP arrested
Must place in custody of Chief Executive
As soon as practicable
No later than 24 hours after arrest 
235 (1A). Reasons to place CYP in custody of Chief Executive
Constable believes Not likely to appear or Commit further offences or Prevent loss or destruction of evidence Interfere with any witness Arrested under section 214A and likely to continue to breach
235 (2).CYP placed in the custody of Chief Executive by…
Delivering CYP to Chief Executive or delegate AND
By presenting the prescribed form
Identity of child
Circumstances of the arrest
Date and time of the intended appearance
236CYP arrested may be detained in police custody
Senior Sergeant or above
Satisfied on RG
CYP likely to abscond or be violent
Suitable facilities not available to Chief Executive
Detained police custody
Period exceeding for 24 hours and until court
How soon must a CYP Appear at court after being released on bail
Must appear within seven days of release at initial court hearing
CYP opposition to bail who must you seek guidance
You must seek immediate guidance from a youth aid officer to oppose bail for a defendant 12 to 17 years old
victims views on release of CYP what must Police do.
ascertain victims views on types of orders and inform the court of the views
must inform each victim of orders made by court
if CYP bailed and the conditions
When & why - Placing a CYP in custody of the chief executive OT
As soon as practical and no later than 24 hours after arrest If believe CYP not likely to appear before court Likely to Commit further offences Prevent loss or destruction of evidence interference with any witness CYP arrested under 214A AND likely to continue to breach