Command and control Flashcards
Command and control include
Leadership Coordination Effective decision-making And behaving lawfully and ethically With a prevention and victim focus
Command and control police will
Insure health and safety
Adhere to scope of C and C
Familiarise themselves with principles of CNC
Insure staff understand CNC roles and responsibilities
Use an appreciation process
Familiarise themselves with the NCCC purpose and emergency management platform RIOD
TENR - The response to any given situation must be …
And appropriate
TENR – process
T – threat is assessed
E – exposure is managed
N – necessity to intervene immediately is considered
A – any response is proportionate and based on a considered assessment of the threat exposure and necessity
command and control operate…
Control – operates horizontally across agencies
Command – operates vertically within an agency
Control refers to
The responsibility for coordinating and directing the response to an incident
Command is
The authority that a commander in NZ police lawfully exercises over assigned staff by virtue of rank or assignment
Three essential elements of command and control
The controller/commanders role is to provide
Make Decisions within their authority to act
Insure their directives are implemented exercising control
Three levels of command in place
Tactical command
The level within which police resources are directly deployed within the community
Almost all policing occurs at the tactical command level
Operational command
When there are multiple tactical level activities when the complexity of the situation requires a higher level of command
Strategic command
The strategic command level is applied when the scope consequence community or political implications of an event is significant and requires dedicated attention
Unity of command and control
There can only be one control or command structure or command and control authority at any one time
Span of command and control
Span of control is between 2 to 7 direct reports depending on the complexity of the incident or operation
Continuity of command and control
All command and control must be sustainable
command and control - principles of delegation
comprises of the centralisation of control/command
decentralisation of execution
Obligations of command and control
Behave lawfully ethically and professionally
An appreciation is
A process for problem-solving and decision-making
It is the act of understanding the nature magnitude or meaning of the situation faced
Appreciation format AFCO
Courses of action
Outline of plan
The output from appreciation is
Options which can be back brief to the controller or commander
For guidance and approval on one course of action
Approved course is developed into a plan
The plan generally is developed into Ops orders
The aim of the operation is derived from the guidance or intent set by a higher control or commander level
The circumstances facts or influences which might impact on the conduct of the operation
Each factor should be considered regarding its impact on the operational plan and how it might be mitigated
Courses of action
Once all factors have been considered logical appropriate and distinguishable courses of action will be identified which could help achieve the aim
Outline plan
Does not need to be detailed but should contain sufficient information for the controller/commander who requested the operation to approve it
Will cover
An effective action plan will
Integrate all of the agencies into a cohesive response
Increases situationally awareness between agencies
Coordinates activities towards a common goal and
Reduces risk duplication and conflicting actions
Operation orders format – GSMEAC
Ground Situation Mission Execution Administration and logistics Command and signals
The mission will be the same as the aim from the appreciation
The mission is one sentence and always starts with
NCCC and MOC - RIOD provides
A common operating picture
based on a single source of the truth
To enhance situational awareness
Facilitate planning and collaboration
The purpose of CIMS is too
Achieve effective coordinated instant management across responding agencies by
Establishing common structures functions and terminology
Enabling agencies to develop their own processes procedures and training for the execution of CIMS
For the purpose of CIMS an emergency is defined as
Situation that poses an immediate risk to life Health Property Or the environment That requires a coordinated response
The components of emergency management referred to as the 4R’s
Risk reduction
Readiness to respond
Response and
CIMS principles
Responsive to community needs
Unity of effort
CIMS characteristics
Common structures roles and responsibilities
Common terminology
Management by objectives
Lead agency is the agency
Mandate to manage the response to an incident through legislation under protocol by agreement or because it has the expertise and experience
the lead agency establishes control to coordinate the response of all agencies
CIMS Functions
Intelligence Planning Operations Logistics Welfare Public information management
Incident management team may include
A response manager Technical experts Health and safety advisers And Iwi representation
Scale of the response Needs to be based on
Size and complexity
Span of control
National civil defence emergency management plan 2015 makes New Zealand police responsible to
Coordinate inquiries to assist family Whanau and next of Kin to make contact with each other and trace missing persons and notify their next to Kin
Inquiry involves identifying people who have been affected by an emergency and assisting them to make contact
Usual and preplanned means of contact
During the first 72 hours of an emergency public are to be encouraged to use their usual and preplanned means of contacting family etc
Definition of emergency – civil defence emergency management act 2002
A situation that
Is the result of any happening with the natural or otherwise including without limitation explosion flood etc
Causes may cause loss of life or injury or illness or distress or in anyway in danger the safety of the public or property
And cannot be dealt with by emergency services or otherwise requires a significant and coordinated response
88 civil defence – closing roads and public places
If I state of emergency is in force
A controller or a constable or any person acting under the authority of all any person so authorised
May in order to prevent or limit the extent of the emergency totally or partially
Prohibit or a strict public access with or without vehicles to any ride or public place within the area or district in respect of which the state of emergency is in force
91 civil defence – power to give directions
controller or a constable or any person acting under…
Direct any person to stop any activity that may cause or substantially contribute to an emergency
Request any person either verbally or in writing to take any action to prevent or limit the extent of the emergency
95 civil defence – failure to comply with requirements
A person commits an offence who intentionally fails to comply with a requirement in a civil defence emergency management plan
Initial command control response to all incidents reported to the emergency communication centre is
The responsibility of the
Emergency communication Centre
Shift commander
Matters to consider prior to transfer of incident control
Designated instant controller should not be delegated control until they have had the opportunity to
Establish an incident control point
Familiarising themselves with the incident
obtain a briefing
Formulate a response plan
Revocation of control responsibility
If the shift commander decides that person appointed forward commander or incident controller is no longer the most appropriate person
shift commander my exercise the delegated authority of the district Commander to revoke the appointment
Sequence of information the six steps
Summary of incident including weapons Time delay Direction of travel Mode of travel Description of offender/vehicle Additional relevant information