CVA Flashcards
completed stroke
all neurological deficits at onset
stroke in evolution
caused by thrombus that gradually progresses; total neurological deficits are not seen for 1-2 days after onset
ischemic strokes
85% of all CVA’s; hypoxia or decreases O2 to tissue & results from poor blood supply
ischemic strokes - cerebral infarct
actual death of a portion of the brain
ischemic penumbra
area surrounding infarcted cerebral tissue
ischemic strokes - thrombotic
atherosclerosis; blood flow reduced limiting O2 to cerebral tissues
variable onset
s/s appear in minutes/days; typically during sleep or upon waking after MI or post-surgical procedure
ischemic strokes - embolic
blood clot (solid, liquid, gas) carried to brain; occurs rapidly w/out warning (headache is a common presentation); assoc. w/cardiovascular disease; middle cerebral artery commonly affected
ischemic strokes - lacunar infarcts
affects deep brain structures (internal capsule, thalamus, basal ganglia, pons); common w/diabetes & HTN; contralateral weakness & sensory loss, ataxia, dysarthra
hemorrhagic stroke
15%; abnormal bleeding in brain due to rupture in blood supply; disruption of O2 to an area & compression from accumulation of blood; 40% of all stroke deaths; HTN could rupture an aneurysm or trauma
s/s severe headache, vomiting, high BP, abrupt onset of symptoms; typically during the day
hemorrhagic stroke - intercerebral
vessel malformation & integrity of cerebral vessels; cause HTN & aging
hemorrhagic stroke - subarachnoid
bleeding in subarachnoid space; cause- aneurysms (ballooning of a vessel wall) & vascular malformations
hemorrhagic stroke - arteriovenous malformation (AVM)
congenital anomalies that affect circulation of brain; defects weaken vessel walls & can rupture
resemble stroke; blood supply temp interrupted; deficits resolve in 24-48 hrs; no residual brain damage or neurological dysfunction; most often in carotid or vertebrobasilar arteries; recurrent indicate thrombotic disease (could have major stroke w/in 1 yr if not treated)
stroke syndromes
anterior cerebral - distribution
supplies the superior border of the frontal and parietal lobes
stroke syndromes
anterior cerebral - patient deficits
contralateral weakness & sensory loss primarily in the LE, incontinence, aphasia, apraxia, personality changes
stroke syndromes
middle cerebral - distribution
supplies the surface of the cerebral hemispheres and the deep frontal and parietal lobes
stroke syndromes
middle cerebral - patient deficits
contralateral sensory loss and weakness in the face and UE, less involvement in the LE, homonymous hemianopia
stroke syndromes
vertebrobasilar - patient deficits
cranial nerve involvement (diplopia, dysphagia, dysarthria, deafness, vertigo), ataxia, equilibrium disturbances, headaches, dizziness
stroke syndromes
vertebrobasilar - distribution
supplies the brainstem and cerebellum
stroke syndromes
posterior cerebral - patient deficits
contralateral sensory loss, memory deficits, thalamic pain syndrome, homonymous hemiamopia, visual agnosia, cortical blindness
stroke syndromes
posterior cerebral - distribution
supplies the occipital and temporal lobes, thalamus and upper brain stem
general risk factors
> 55 yr
african americans, pacific islanders & hispanics
medical risk factors
previous stroke, TIA, cardiac disease, diabetes, atrial fibrillation & HTN
lifestyle risk factors
smoking, obesity, excessive alcohol, drug use & inactivity
primary preventable risk factors
HTN; heart disease
lowering diastolic BP by 5-6 mmHg results in a reduction of rick for CVA by 40%
activate emergency medical system when:
sudden weakness confusion sudden dimness or loss of vision in one eye difficulty speaking sudden severe headache unexplained dizziness loss of balance difficulty walking
characteristics of left hemisphere CVA
weakness, paralysis of right side
increased frustration
decreased processing
possible aphasia (expressive, global, receptive)
possible motor apraxia (ideomotor & ideational)
decreased discrimination between L & R
right hemianopsia
characteristics of right hemisphere CVA
weakness, paralysis of left side left hemianopsia decreased attention span decreased awareness & judgement memory deficits left inattention or neglect decreased abstract reasoning emotional lability impulsive behaviors decreased spatial orientation (risk of falls)
characteristics of brainstem CVA
unstable vital signs (where CN's are) decreased consciousness decreased ability to swallow weakness on both sides of the body paralysis on both sides of the body
characteristics of cerebellum CVA
decreased balance ataxia decreased coordination nausea decreased ability for postural adjustment nystagmus
clinical findings -
may have some/all/none depends on location & extent of injury
spasticity muscle weakness motor planning deficits sensory impairments communication impairments orofacial deficits respiratory impairments reflex activity associated reactions bowel & bladder dysfunction functional limitations
damage to motor cortex presents
flaccidity first, then spasticity, then impaired postural tone
damage to motor cortex presents-
flaccidity first
low muscle tone
inability to generate muscle contraction
transient state
patients develop hypertonicity or spasticity
damage to motor cortex presents-
velocity dependent, increased resistance to passive stretch
exaggerated deep tendon reflexes
posturing of extremities: flexion or extension
co-contraction of muscles
synergies: stereotypical movement patterns
how is spasticity graded/documented
modified ashworth scale
0-4 ordinal scale
Modified Ashworth Scale - 0
no increase in muscle tone