CV acronyms Flashcards
treatment for unstable angina and NSTEMI
BMOAN because Nstemi and uNstable angina (beta blocker, morphine, oxygen, aspirin, nitrate)
complications of MI
DARTHVADER (death, arrhythmia, rupture, tamponade, heart failure, valve disease, aneurysm, dressler syndrome (pericarditis due to injury to heart), embolism, recurrence/ regurgitation)
symptoms of cardiac failure
Many Cardiac Organs Can Omit Death Rhythms (murmurs, cough, orthopnoea, cyanosis, oedema, displaced apex beat, respiratory crackles)
acute cardiac failure treatment
OMFG (oxygen, morphine, furosemide, GTN spray)
chronic cardiac failure treatment meds
BANCDD (1st line- ACEi and Beta blocker, 2nd- ARB and nitrate, 3rd- cardiac resynchronisation or digoxin, 4th-diuretics eg furosemide for symptoms relief)
murmur for mitral stenosis
3Ls (Low pitched mid diastolic, Loudest at apex, Left side held expiration for patient)
treatment for TB
RIPE (rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide (pirate names zinna then mide), ethambutol)
symptoms of aortic dissection
(A in Aortic= aortic regurgitation murmur, D in dissection= decrease in left peripheral pulse, SS in dissection= syncope (fainting) and sudden onset of ripping/ tearing chest pain, C in dissection= cardiac tamponade, ion in dissection= hypotension)
complications of aortic dissection
(A in aortic= aortic regurgitation, R in aortic= (pre) renal AKI, i in aortic= ischaemic stroke, c in arotic= cardiac tamponade)
seen in ECG for PE
S1Q3T3 (large S wave in lead 1, Q wave in lead 3, inverted T wave in lead 3)
Assess severity of ischaemia
6Ps pulselessness, pallor, pain, persistently cold, paralysis, parasthesia)
symptoms of A fib
6Ps (palpitations, pulse, pain in chest, (hy)potension, (P)fainting and thromPoemboli)
atrial fibrillation on ECG
no p waves
irregularly irregular rhythm
narrow QRS complex
wolff parkinson white on ECG
wide QRS
short PR (opposites wide and short)
slurred delta waves
symptoms of restrictive cardiomyopathy
Never Drink Old Cows milk
narrow pulse pressure eg 105/95
Congestive heart failure
symptoms of dilated cardiomyopathy
D= dyspnoea
L= heart faiLure
A= atrial fibrillation
T= thromboemboli
treatment for syndenhams chorea
doll holding peri peri chicken with a halo on top= haloperisdol
non haemolytic causes of normocytic anaemia
CAP (BM is capping)
Acquired haemophillia A
haemolytic causes of normocytic anaemia
sickle cell
aplastic anaemia
G6PDH def
hereditory spherocytosis
what is chipmunk facies
CHipmunk Facies
enlargement of CHeekbones and Forehead§
Causes of secondary hypertension
3Cs, 2Ps, 1R
renal disease
coarctation of aorta
4 aspects of tetralogy of fallot
1. ventricular septal defect
2. overriding aorta (over the top of VSD)
3. right ventricular hypertrophy
4. right ventricle outflow obstruction (pulmonary stenosis)