what value is defined to be hypertension
140/90 or above
what value defines malignant hypertension
what is malignant hypertension (3)
very high blood pressure that develops quickly and causes organ damage
what are the categories of hypertension and how many cases are in each category and describe the difference between the two
primary 90%
secondary 10%
primary has no known cause and secondary has known causes
what is the most common cause of secondary hypertension
renal disease
what are the causes of secondary hypertension (6)
3 Cs, 2Ps, 1R
renal disease
coarctation of the aorta (congenital narrowing of the aorta)
why is primary hypertension not usually presented
its usually asymptomatic
what are the 4 main areas that malignant hypertension has symptoms in
brain, eye, heart and kidneys
how can end organ damage be assessed for hypertension (3)
fundoscopy= for papilloedema
urinalysis= for renal function
Echo/ECG= assesses left ventricular hypertrophy
what can malignant hypertension cause in the brain (3)
cerebral oedema and haemorrhage and stroke
what can malignant hypertension cause in the eye (2)
cotton wool spots
what can malignant hypertension cause in the heart (2)
acute heart failure
aortic dissection
what can malignant hypertension cause in the kidneys and what are the symptoms of this (1, 2)
acute kidney injury
proteinuria, haematuria
what is the method that hypertension can be diagnosed with 1
ambulatory blood pressure
(home blood pressure monitoring)
how is hypertension staged and what are the actions for each stage (3)
stage 1: 135/85 (assess risks- including assessing organ damage)
stage 2: 150/95 (medications)
stage 3: 180/110 (malignant- medications)
what is the treatment approach for stage 1 hypertension 1
BP monitored every 5 years
if the bp is measured at GP and is 140/90 then what is the next step
check ambulatory blood pressure at home
what is always the first line of management for stage 2 hypertension 2
lifestyle changes and medication combined
what is the treatment for a patient with malignant hypertension and signs of renal/ eye damage (2)
same day admission
start antihypertensive drug immediately
what two things are offered to a person who has been diagnosed with hypertension
assessment of Cv risk
investigation for secondary hypertension
what is the treatment for under 55s and not of African/ Caribbean origin (2)
ace inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker
what is the treatment for over 55s and of African/ Caribbean origin (1)
calcium channel blocker
what is the 2nd step if one drug is not controlling hypertension for the two categories of people to treat
<55 not A/C origin= CCB or thiazide like diuretic eg indapamide can be added
>55 of A/C origin= ACEi or ARB or thiazide like diuretic eg indapamide can be added
if a patient is on ACEi and BB already but still symptomatic what should be given to them 1