Cutaneous & Splanchnic Circulation Flashcards
How is skin blood flow regulated? (it is unlike the other systems for this reason)
Sympathetics, not metabolic control
What is the MAIN purpose of cutaneous circulation? (blood flow to the skin)
Temp regulation!!!
-maintain constant temp via vasodilation/constriction
The cutaneous circulation is more efficient at preventing heat loss rather than promoting heat loss.
True or False?
Better at promoting heat loss via vasodilation of cutaneous vessels
- we acclimatize better to heat than cold
What do the following colors signify in circulation or oxygen content of blood?
- Pale
- Cyanotic
- Reddish
- Bright Pink
- Desaturated Hemoglobin (low O2)
- Saturated Hb w/ O2
- CO poisoning (carbon monoxide)
Why does the skin appear red in cold climates, even though blood flow is LOW due to vasoconstriction?
Low temp = skin DECREASES O2 dissociation!
- less O2 unloaded from Hb
= more saturated with O2
What color does Oxyhemoglobin give the skin?
What are the 2 types of resistance vessels in the skin? What type of mechanism controls their resistance?
- Arterioles -
b) Local regulatory - Arteriovenous Anastomoses (AV)
- bypasses capillary beds
- no basal (non-neural tone)
- no metabolic
- no reactive hyperemia
- no autoregulation
What parts of the body contain Apical Skin?
Name the 2 most important qualities of Apical skin:
Ears, nose, lips, fingertips, hands, feet,
- Large surfave-tovolume ratio to favor HEAT LOSS
- AV Anastomoses called GLOMUS bodies
What is the function of glomus bodies?
What are 2 features present in Non-Apical Skin that areNOT found in Apical skin?
- No AV Anastomoses (almost)
2. Sympathetic CHOLINERGIC
Why does the skin appear paper white during hypovolemic shock?
Due to VASOCONSTRICTION of the skin
- shunting blood to brain,lungs, heart
What innervation does Apical Skin receive? Non-Apical?
- Sympathetic adrenergic
- at rest = vasoconstriction
(withdraw sympathetics = passive vasodilation)
- Sympathetic CHOLINERGIC - vasodilate via Bradykinin
& Adrenergic via NE (vasoconstrict)
The release of BRADYKININ is dependent on what?
Where is this released (which type of skin)?
Does this cause vasoconstriction or dilation?
- Non-APical (not ears,nose, lips, fingertips, hands, or feet)
- Vasodilation!!!
- cholinergic
There are glomus bodies & AV anastomoses in Non-Apical skin. True or False?
What provides temperature regulation of the skin?
What happens to sympathetic control with increases in temp?
WITHDRAW sympathetic activity
- passive vasodilation
Do cutaneous vessels contribute a large amount to total peripheral resistance & BP?
- flow in skin is only 5-10% of CO
What were to happen if you were shot in Iraq, or another hot temperature climate? (decrease in BP)
Baroreceptor VASOCONSTRICTION would have little affect on BP due to the reflexive VASODILATION caused by warmer temps
-BP is not well maintained in warm temps
When is LOW blood flow not well maintained? How does this compare to HIGH BP?
At HIGHER temps
- High BP causes withdrawal of sympathetics (little affect on skin blood flow since apical vessels already dilated)
What freezes first?
- Smaller or larger vasculature
- Venous or Arterial System
- Smaller
2. Venous (low flow rates)
If you exercise & are dehydrated, what happens to body temp?
- cannot dissipate more heat
(occurs quickly if you are dehydrated since less sweat produced)
What is the primary regulator of the cutaneous system?
SYMPATHETIC nervous system via the hypothalamus
What happens to cutaneous flow with exercise?
- Sympathetic stimulation vasoconstrictor to shunt blood to skeletal muscle
- Internal metabolic HEAT PRODUCTION causes cutaneous vasodilation!
What wins out with cutaneous exercise? Sympathetic Vasoconstriction or Vasodilation?
Does flow continuously increase in skin with increased exercise?
- flow only increases to a LIMIT
- only small increases in flow w/ increasing internal temp