Currency crisis model 3 Flashcards
Background currency crisis model 3
East asian crisis 1997: responsible fiscal and monetary policy
Massive speculative attacks: **contagion **to Brasil and Russia
Precautionary reserves accumulation: large CA suprlus, large CA imbalance
Had strong fundamentals before crisis
Consequence of the EAC
Huge foreign reserves accumulation in neigbour countries
Schets start 3e generation model
Small open economy
2 groups: gamma en 1-gamma
row na acces to capital markets
impliciete bail out door overheid
Elite agents
Firms borrow internationally to ivest in capital
Face uncertainty about production
Bail-out guerantees
Make losses - borrow more
Overinvest and large debt
Investors allow to overinvest because governemt
Debt burden higher than what governement can do? –> investors pull out
Optimal capital choice
E(afgeleide y naar k t+1) = rt
Expected return on capital = intrest rate
Because of government, they overinvest
International lending
Rational investors would not lend (Ponzi scheme)
F grows at a rate greater than r
Show me the money constraint
Intern investors lend untill they believe that the governemt can guarantee: B > gamma F
Gamma : confidence treshold
Show me the money constraint
Intern investors lend untill they believe that the governemt can guarantee: B > gamma F
Gamma : confidence treshold
5 steps dynamic of the crisis
- Show me the money violated: investors don’t lend money - governement bails out
- (1-gamma)Ft can not be recovered with reserve so it’s Bt+1 debt - needs to cover this with future taxes or seignorage
- No more bail out guarantees, K goes down, furture tax income go down
- Government finance: lower investment –> less capital inflow, lower tax revenue –> expectat of future moet growth –> attack on the currency
- Currency crisis: devaluation worsens the debt burden: T in dom and Debt in foreign
—> financial crisis
Rational expectations
Agents expect those events:
1. Firms prevent bij investing less? No because indiv best to overinvest
2. Do something before the crisis?
General lessons 1e generation model
Unsustainable fiscal policy loss in confidence –> choose austarity or printing money
Prevent: EMU set of rules to keep debt substan (not over 60 gdp)
Good idea, bad uitvoeringn
Frank en duitsland gesoon genegeerd
General lessons 2nd generation model
Currency pegs can fall even with sound policy
Give governemnt choice, gevaarlijk
Solution: no national currency, so no attacks
But nog true; devaluation is exit, exit and devaluation is redenomonation of debt, no attack on currency but sovereign bonds
= partial default