Banking crises Flashcards
Defenition of banking crisis
Bank runs that lead to closure of bank
Closure mind be inplicit: take-over by other bank
Systemic banking ciris
When a large number of institutions is hit
example: US housemarket spread all over the world
Systemic risk
Simultaneous faulure of several banks: problem
Risk complete meltdown financial system
Asset prices collapse: banks have to liquidate to obtain liquidity –> economic losses –> feedback to the banking system
Source of systemic risk
3 sources
- Failure of a large bank
- Contagion
- Correlated exposures
Reasons for contagion banks (source of systemic risk)
4 reasons
- Depositors at other banks panic
- Direct losses trough credit exposure
- Information contagion
- Collapse in asset price
Is bank deversification always good?
No, social and individual optimal is not the same. Banks neglect the effect if diversification on systemic risk.
Proof that deversification reduces risk
Take 2 assets, random return, same variance and uncorrelated
Portfolio + variance
Minimal variance when r =0.5
Expected return of portfolio, than variance and minim
Model of banking Wagner
Each bank has d deposit
Date 1 and date 2
Date 1: invest in everything, after returns are known. Date 2: look when they fall: x < d and y < d
Diversification at bank 2 in Wagner model
r is fraction of funds invested by B2 in asset X
How does it affect the outcome in period 2?
- Less failure when asset Y performes badly
- More faiure when asset X performes badly
- Less failure but more systemic crisis
Make drawing
Definition liquidation cost
One bank fails: sell to other bank: loss = c
both banks fail: sell to outsider: loss = c x q (where q>1-
Value of the banks: expected return
W = expected return on assets - liquidation costs
E(Vi) - Pi I x c - piS x c x q
Pi I: probability individual failure, pi s: prob. systemic failure
Expected return on the bank when no diversification
Return on asset: v1 = x, v2 = y
Expected return on asset = mu
Expected return on bank= mu - c x (pi I + piS x q)
Expected return on bank with diversification at bank 2
E(w2) = E(v2) - c (pi I 2 + pi s q)
V2 = r2 x + (1-r2)y
Both assets same expected return so E(v2) = mu, independent of r2
What is the effect of r2?
r = fraction of funds invested by bank 2 in assets x
Higer r2, reduces pi I Z
Increases pi S
Optimal r2 from bank perspective
R2 > 0: diversification
R2 < 0,5: less than full diversification becasue of higher costs of systemic risk (q>1)
Externalities of diversification
Diversification at bank 2 increases pi S
pi s affects bank 1
for bank 1: pi I 1 + pi S does nog change but piS increases: larger fraction of bank 1 failutes during systemic risk
Diversification at bank 2 does not increase the probability of failure B1 but BA suffers higher expected liquidation costs because higher systemic risk
Drawing of puntje 2
Diversification at both banks
choose rE1 = rE2 = rE > 0
Individual optimal diversificaton ratio: rE = 1 / 1 + wortel q
No extra cost of systemic risk (q = 1) –> RE = 0,5
Social optimum
Bank optimizes only thinking about own return: write down total welfare
W1 + W2 = E(v1) + E(v2) - c(pi I1 + pi I 2 + 2pi S maal q)
Value of social optimal diversification
rster = 1 / 1 + wortel (2q-1)
Lower than rE: because takes negetive externality into account
Policy implication
Regulation should discourage diversification
More diversified banks should have higher capoital requirements
Enough motivation to diversify but negles effect dive on pi S