Currency crises Flashcards
Crises defined by quantative tresholds
3 types
- Inflation crises
- Currecny chrashes & currency debasements
- Bursting of asset bubbles
Crises defined by events
3 crises
- banking crises
- External debt crises
- Domestic debt crises
Currency crises definition
Qualitative (theoretical)
The exchange rate depreciates substantially during a short period of time. Currency crises hit currencies that are pegged or heavily managed.
Currency crises definitio
Quantitative (empirical)
A depreciation (devaluation) of at least 15% within month
Exchange rate pressure index
Weighted average of the monthly change in nominal exchange rate and the change in foreign reserves
1ste generation model
Small open economy, exchange rate fixed to a currency of a large partner
Interaction of the government and private agents in the domestic money market
Unsustainable fiscal policy leads to currency crisis
Purchasing Power Parity
Pt = E Pster
Pt = E peg
P ster constant over time and exchange rate peg
Uncovered Intrest Parity
1 + i = (1 + r)Et+1/Et
Exchange rate peg: i = r
Government budget contraint
Et (Btg - Bt-1g) + PtGt = PtTt + (Mt - Mt-1) + Etr Bt-1g
development of gov forg asset = seignorage - second fiscal deficit
2nd generation model
Philipscurve, loss function and multiple equilibria