Asset bubbles Flashcards
Asset bubble defenition
Asset price above fundamental value - diffcult to measure the value
Ex ante approach identifying bubble
Historical comparioson to estimate the fundamental value
vb. historical ratio of share prices to revenues
Problem: This time is different & no information about new asset classes
Ex post approach indentifying bubble
Identify by large fall in price (after burst of the bubble)
vb. historical examples today
Problem: no use for preventive policy & risk of misidentification: mix project risk with asset bubble
Key elements Mississippi bubble
A growing company emitting shares to finance their operations. Taking over large government debt and buying** influence** and privileges.
Each new share issuance took place at a higher price, largest losses to last buyers
How do bubbles start
After a financial/credit** liberalization** and/ord expansive monetary policy
How do bubbles burst
With realization of ** low returns ** or monetary/credit policy tightening
Allen & Gale modeling bubble
Safe en risky asset (felxible - fixed supply):
Safe asset: return on date 2 & sells at date 1 to price Ps
Risky asset: high and low return: expected return
Fundamental price in asset bubbles
Investors are: risk neutral, wealth 1, cannot borrow
The expected return: (Rs/Ps) = E(R)/Pf
Fundamental price of risky asset:
Pf = Ps x (E(R) / Rs)
this is the NPV of the risky asset discounted with the risk free interest rate
Price above: burst bubble
When will bubble burst?
If the price is above the fundamental price
Fundamental price when investors have no wealth? They borrow at at rate RI (2 other assumptions)
Limited liability: at date 2 repay 1.33 (RI) or lender can claim the whole return
Lender cannot observe how loans are invested
How to find the equilibrium price in intermediate case?
Return on safe asset: (Rs/Ps) - RI
Return on risky asset: Expected value of max en min (R/Pf - RI, 0)
Expected returns have to be equal: Pb
No monitoring of loans lead to:
Risk shifting, the investor shifts the potential losses to the lender
Risk shifting:
Generates extra profits for the** investor**
The greater the risk, the **higher the price of the asset **
proof: Rh 6 prob 0,25
Rl 1 prob 0,75
R I : 1,33
vs. Rh 9 prob 0,25 and R l 0 prob 0,75
Change the risk and probability, find Pb
Risk shifting in reality
Often in high tech stocks
**Innovation **creates uncertain payoff –> more risk-shifting opportunities