Curious Bp1 Flashcards
Curious Bp1 Q1
“The dog was dead”, the use of a truncated sentence to such a serious topic such as death displays Christophers inability to feel large complex emotions that are commonly perceived by other individuals resulting in his future arrest
Curious Bp1 Q2
“She drew some more pictures but I did not know what they meant’’, The first person low modal language coupled with pictography reiterates that Christopher cannot comprehend complex emotions and how this hinders his interactions with others in life, creating a barrier for communications forcing a more isolated life.
Curious Bp1 Q1
However, through the crime fiction element closely tied Christopher’s identity ?? rediscovers himself and what he is capable of if he truly wants to commit, within “And I know I can do this because I went to London on my own, and because I Solved the mystery of who killed Wellington? And I found my mother and I was brave, and I wrote a book and that means I can do anything” The emotive language tied into the crime fiction genre brings a new perspective to Christopher overcoming his challenges as he has gained increased confidence after doing something out of his comfort zone,