Culturing microbes in a streak plate and inhibition zone Flashcards
What is an aseptic technique?
= working in sterile conditions
= prevents contamination and infection of others
What is pre-inoculation?
= sterilize all equipment to kill microcrobes
= sterilize work surfaces with desinfeftent to kill microves
= wash hands with soap to remove microbes
what is inoculating?
= work near a bunsen burner- sterilises air
= only open petri dish lid slightly when necessaeru
= flame neck of any bottles used before and after
What is post inoculation?
= sterilize all equipment to kill microcobes
= sterilize work surfaces with disenfectant
= wash hands with soap
What is the method?
= wash hands
= googles must be worn
= sterilize work surface with vekron, light bunsen burner into roaring flame
= transfer bacteria from broth to agar plate- using a sterile syringe
= work near the bunsen burner streak the plate evenly distributed using a sterile plastic spreader as quick as possible with tilted at an angle lid and put the lid on
= place a multi disc antibotic ring on the plate with sterile forceps-pass through bunsen burner flame (has different antibiotucs)
= tape the lid lightly- so it does not fall off and don’t tape the whole way as we want oxygem to get in
= invert the plate and incubate 25 degrees for 48 hours
= after incubation, for each antibotic, measure the diamater of the inhbitition zone, clear circle
= calculate area of the inhbitiion zone
What do you label the petri dish?
= initials
= date done
= contents
What equation is used?
= area= pi x diameter/4
What is the risk and control of a naked flame of the bunsen burner?
= burn- fire hazard
= control: tie up long hair, wear goggles, keep away from flammable items,
What is the risk and control of bacteria?
= contamination, leads to infection
= wash hands before and after, dont open plate after incubation, use disinfectant before and after, incuvate at 25 degrees
What is the risk and control of disinfectant?
= flammable
= keep away from naked flame