Culture Flashcards
Define Norm
A behaviour or act that the large majority of society agree with and conform to. People do this to fit in and be normal.
Define Value
A belief that we hold as important and crucial within our everyday lives. This could be within a country, a religious group or a group within a country.
Define Deviant
A person who strays away from social norms, values and expectations. These people are often seen as weird or irregular.
Define Cultural Hybridity
When two or more cultures merge and create a new culture influenced by each other. This has become increasingly more common overtime.
Define Subculture
Cultural patterns or behaviours that set apart a segment of a society’s population. These are sometimes known as counter cultures.
Define High Culture
Cultural products or activities that are seen to have high status. They are often seen as the highest achievements of humanity and can be seen as superior by some. They are often associated with people of high education.
Define Popular Culture
Cultural products or activities enjoyed by the majority of the population. Some would argue that these are more shallow activities and therefore more inferior. Sometimes called mass culture.
Define Global Culture
Ideas, norms and values that are shared worldwide and are based on western ideas of consumption and attitudes towards the environment. It has grown exponentially in recent history.
Define Consumer Culture
Culture focused on the purchase and consumption of goods and services in society, greatly influencing values, activities and social statuses.
Define Cultural Diversity
The presence of different cultural groups within one society. This diversity can take the form of different ethnic, religious or social groups within one society. Sometimes it can lead to hybridisation as culture blend together.
What does Sue Fox believe about hybridisation?
- Argues more young people are using multicultural London English (Jafaican)
- People have done this because they have grown up around other young people with diverse backgrounds and therefore share culture.
What does Johal believe about hybridisation?
- Many Asians have created hybrid identities influenced by British culture and their ancestors.
- Each part of their culture is important to their identity.
- Cultural code switching is when people swap between cultures based on their setting.
What does Ritzer believe about hybridisation?
- Used term McDonaldisation to show how globalisation has broke down international barriers.
- American culture has globally influenced different cultures.
What does Nayak believe about hybridisation?
- Young white people are influenced by black hip hop music.
- These White Wannabees wear same clothing and adapt same mannerisms and language.
What does Winston James believe about hybridisation?
- Black people in Uk have wide range of cultural backgrounds.
- They have created a shared identity due to a shared experience of racism as a form of defence.
What does Giddens believe about hybridisation
- Technology has allowed for cultural defence.
- Minority use this strategy to defend their own culture and make it more significant to their identities.
What does Jacobson believe about hybridisation?
- Young Pakistanis in Britain have adopted muslim identities due to social exclusion from British society.
- Creates stability and security.
- Cultural defence occurs due to exclusion from the majority.