what 2 key studies show cultural variations in attachment?
Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg
Simonelli et al
what was the procedure for Izjendoorn and Kroonenberg’s study?
looked at proportions of different attachment types across range of countries
the data that Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg looked at were…
meta-analysed, with results being combined
what did Izjendoorn and Kroonenberg find about the most common attachment?
secure attachment most common ranging from 50% China to 75% Britain
Izjendoorn and Kroonenberg found that insecure resistant…
results were similar in individualist cultures but not collectivist where it was increased
variations of results within the same country were…
150% greater than those between countries
what was Simonelli et al’s procedure?
assessed 12 month year olds using strange situation see if proportion of attachment matched in Italy
Simonelli et al found that secure attachment
was at a lower rate than at previous studies
what was the reason for Simonelli et al’s results?
increasing mother working long hours and using childcare
what did Simonelli et al conclude?
that cultural changes can make dramatic differences in patterns of attachment
Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg’s study has good..
internal validity
why does Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg’s study have good validity?
meta-analysis had over 2000 babies and their primary caregiver
what does the large sample of Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg reduce?
reduces impact of biased methodology
what is an alternative explanation that Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg found for similarities between cultures?
reflects the effects of mass media, e.g. books, parenting guides etc create similarities in child rearing
what can be a confounding variable in strange situation?
temperament so it is a more important influence doesn’t actually measure parenting style
the strange situation can be seen as…
ethnocentric and has imposed etic
what is imposed etic?
trying to apply a theory designed for one culture onto another
disregards cultural emic (cultural uniqueness)
where can imposed etic be seen in the variations of the strange situation?
in Germany, lack of pleasure at reunion stage seen more as independence rather than insecurity