Cubism Flashcards
African masks
- African artists depicted their subjects conceptually and very simplified and stylised
- They way they remember what the subject looks like was more important than what it actually looked like
- The dractic simplification does not represent the difference between that and naturalism, but the different interpretations of the subject
- Cezanne was also an important influence as he put emphasis on 2 dimmensionality and flatness and how he depicted multiple viewpoints
Les Demoiselle d’avignon
- Heavily influenced by african art
- Figure on the far left is painted in Egyptian style
- Two figures in the middle are painted Iberian style with their faces profile but noses in side-view
- The two on the far right are painted African style
- The one on the right is painted in multiple viewpoints as if it was walked around
- The space is very flat and lacks deep space
- No foreground/background/middel ground
Cezanne phase
- Breaking up objects into sharp, angular shapes
- Recreating different viewpoints
- Simplified, conceptual, geometric and disciplined
- Rocks, buildings and trees are stacked on top of each other instead of arranged next to/behind each other
- The trees fill up the entire space and leave no room for view to escape the scene
- There is no light or shadow so far away objects are painted the same as nearer objects
- Monochromatic
Analytical phase
- Still lifes and portraits
- Depicted subjects from multiple perspectives(simultaneity)
- Space was flat as they emphasised the flatness of canvas
- Subject was broken up into small geometric shapes
- Used a pallete of ochres, browns, and greens
- Difficult to read, only give clues as to what the subject is
- Started using oval shaped canvases
- No distinction between foreground and background
- Based on reality
L’Estaque - Georges Braque
The portuguese
- Based off of a guitar player Picasso saw
- There is no focal point
- Foreground is just as important as background
- Palette pf browns, greens, ochres, and grays
- Makes use of simultaniety
- Letters BAI are on the canvas
- The clue is the sound-hole and strings of the guitar
Synthetic Phase
A synthesis or combination of different elements
- Juan Gris joins Picasso and Braque
- Introduces to paper collages by Picasso
- Paint and collage together\
- Painted part creates illusion while collage part refers to reality
- Still focused on real life but increasingly became more abstract and difficult to read
- First they pasted the paper then created contours that didnt match up with the subject
- Colour is reintroduced
- A combination of varying textures
- Exclusively still lifes