CTOPP Flashcards
CTOPP-2 Intro
Measures Phonological Processing abilities related to reading.
Ages 4:0-24:11
Core Battery is approx. 30 minutes.
2 separate versions. 1. 4-6 yrs (red) & 2. 7-24 (blue).
Uses of the CTOPP-2
To identify individuals who are significantly below peers in important phonological abilities & determining strengths and weaknesses.
Structure of the CTOPP-2 (Ages 4-6)
9 Core Subtests
-Blending Words
-Phoneme Isolation
-Memory for Digits
-Nonword Repetition
-Rapid Digit Naming
-Rapid Letter Naming
-Rapid Color Naming
-Rapid Object Naming
1 Supplemental Subtests
-Blending Nonwords
4 Composites
-Phonological Awareness
-Phonological Memory
-Rapid Symbolic Naming
-Rapid Non-Symbolic Naming
Structure of the CTOPP-2 (Ages 7-24)
7 Core Subtests
-Blending Words
-Phoneme Isolation
-Memory for Digits
-Nonword Repetition
-Rapid Digit Naming
-Rapid Letter Naming
2 Supplemental Subtests
-Blending Nonwords
-Segmenting Nonwords
4 Composites
-Phonological Awareness
-Phonological Memory
-Rapid Symbolic Naming
-Alt. Phonological Awareness
CTOPP-2 Elision
Core Subtest - all ages
Measures the ability to say a word, followed by saying what is left after dropping out designated sounds.
CTOPP-2 Blending Words
Core Subtest - all ages
Measure the ability to combine sounds to form words.
CTOPP-2 Sound Matching
Core Subtest - Ages 4-6
Measure the ability to match sounds with presented visuals
CTOPP-2 Phoneme Isolation
Core Subtest - Ages 7-24
Measures the ability to identify target sounds in words.
CTOPP-2 Memory for Digits
Core Subtest - All Ages
Measures the ability to repeat a series of number ranging in length from two to eight digits.
CTOPP-2 Nonword Repetition
Core Subtest - All Ages
Measures the ability to repeat nonword that range in length from 3-15 sounds.
CTOPP-2 Rapid Digit Naming
Core Subtest - All Ages
Measures the speed with which an individual can name numbers.
-How quickly one can retrieve basic information from permanent or long-term memory or storage and perform a sequence of operations quickly and repeatedly.
CTOPP-2 Rapid Letter Naming
Core Subtest - All Ages
Measures the speed with which an individual can name letters (long-term memory retrieval)
CTOPP-2 Rapid Color Naming
Core Subtest - Ages 4-6
Measures the speed with which an individual can name the colors of a series of different color blocks.
CTOPP-2 Rapid Object Naming
Core Subtest - Ages 4-6
Measures the speed with which an individual can name a series of objects.
CTOPP-2 Blending Nonwords
Supplemental Subtest - Ages 4-24
Measures the ability to combine speech sounds to make nonword.
CTOPP-2 Segmenting Nonwords
Supplemental Subtest - Ages 7-24
Measures the ability to say the separate phonemes that make up a nonword.
CTOPP Scores
Very Superior
Above Average
Below Average
Very Poor
Cautions in Interpreting Results
Although the CTOPP-2 results may contribute to the selection of long- term educational goals, they should not be used as the basis for planning day-to-day instructional programs.
● Interpreting the CTOPP-2 results should be the first step in a comprehensive evaluation of a student’s problems in phonological processing.
● Because of time restraints and other reasons, we too often base our diagnosis exclusively on the results of a single test– this is hazardous practice that should be avoided.