what are the crystal systems
one of several classes of lattices for crystals
the 7 crystal systems
- isometric(cubic)
- tetragonal
- orthorhombic
- hexagonal
- triclinic
- monoclinic
- rhombohedral (trigonal)
7 crystal systems: isometric(cubic)
all 3 axes equal in length
all axes perpendicular to each other
7 crystal systems: tetragonal
2 of 3 axes equal in length
all axes perpendicular to each other
7 crystal systems: orthorhombic
all 3 axes unequal in length
all axes perpendicular to each other
7 crystal systems: hexagonal
4 axes with 3 equal in length
separate by equal angels/lie in same plane
4th axis perpendicular to plane of other 3 axis
hexagonal cells have lattice points in each of 2 six-sided faces
7 crystal systems: triclinic
all 3 axes unequal in length
none perpendicular to each other
7 crystal systems: monoclinic
all 3 axes unequal in length
2 perpendicular to each other
7 crystal systems: rhombohedral (trigonal)
all 3 axes unequal in length
all axes perpendicular to each other
crystal faces all have same size and shape