Cry of Pugadlawin Flashcards
Who were considered primary resources for the cry of pugadlawin?
- Pio Valezuela
- Gregoria de Jesus
- Guardia civil, Lt. Olegario Dia
- Katipunan General Guillermo Masangka
→ A primary source
→ Katipunero
→ privy to many events concerning Katipunan
→ wrote his memoirs of the revolution without consulting the written documents of the Philippine revolution
→ second and later version of the first rally of the katipunan
Pio Valenzuela
Pio Valenzuela’s account of Cry of Pugadlawin:
In the account of pio, when did the Cry of Pugadlawin actually happen?
August 23, 1896
Pio Valenzuela’s account of Cry of Pugadlawin:
In the account of pio, where did the Cry of Pugadlawin actually happen?
Pugad lawin (house of JUAN RAMOS–son of god eme son of melchora aquino aka tandang sora)
Pio Valenzuela’s account of Cry of Pugadlawin:
T or F
over 1,000 members of katipunan went to the house of Rizal to discuss whether or not the revolution should be started on August 29, 1986
F (house of JUAN RAMOS: son of melchora aquino)
Pio Valenzuela’s account of Cry of Pugadlawin:
Who was Bonifacio’s brother in law who was the only one who protested and fought against the war (revolution)
Teodora Plata
Pio Valenzuela’s account of Cry of Pugadlawin:
Who were the other people present in the meeting of katipunan in pugadlawin??
- Enrique Cipriano
- Alfonso Pacheco
- Tomas Remigio
- Sinsforoso San Pedro
Pio Valenzuela’s account of Cry of Pugadlawin:
After the meeting, what did the people do?
Tore their cedula ceritifcates and shouted “Long live the Philippines! Long live the Philippines!”
An identification card and residence tax certificate that had to be carried at all times
Symbolized the social and economic enslavement of our people at the time
T or F
A person who could not present his or her cedula could be arrested and imprisoned by the Guardia Civil before
Pio Valenzuela’s account of Cry of Pugadlawin:
Where was the place of refuge of Andres Bonifacio, Jacinto, Propocio Bonifacio, Teodora Plata, Rosario, and Pio Valenzuela?
Pio Valenzuela’s account of Cry of Pugadlawin:
When and where was the first place where 500 katipuneros went
August 22, 1896; House and yard of Apolonio Samson
1. The Cry of Bahay Toro
2. First Cry
3. The Cry of Balintawak
4. The Cry of Pugad Lawin
a. Pio Valenzuela
b. Santiago Alavarez
c. Gregoria De Jesus
d. Guillermo Masangkay
e. Mariano Alavarez
- The Cry of Bahay: Toro b. Santiago Alavarez
- First Cry: c. Gregoria De Jesus
- The Cry of Balintawak: d. Guillermo Masangkay
- The Cry of Pugad Lawin: a. Pio Valenzuela
→ Katipunero
→ son of Mariano Alvarez
→ leader of the Magdiwang faction in Cavite (Hero of the Battle of Dalahican)
→ revolutionary general and founder and honorary president of the first directorate of the Nacionalista Party
→ relative of Gregoria
→ known for Kidlat ng Apoy
→ not an eyewitness of the history event hence, his version cannot be accepted as equal in weight
Santiago Alvarez
Santiago Alvarez’s account of Cry of Bahay Toro:
In the account of Santiago, when and where did the Cry of Pugadlawin actually happen?
August 24,1896; Bahay Toro of Tandang Sora, QC
Santiago Alvarez’s account of Cry of Bahay Toro:
What time did the meeting of katipuneros started?
10 am
Santiago Alvarez’s account of Cry of Bahay Toro:
What time did katipuneros adjourned their meeting and shouted “Long live the Sons of the Country”/”Mabuhay ang mga Anak ng Bayan”
12 noon
Santiago Alvarez’s account of Cry of Bahay Toro:
What did katipuneros shouted after tehir meetings adjourned?
“Mabuhay ang mga Anak ng Bayan”
T or F
Pio and Santiago’s account were the same in terms of the number of people present during the meeting which was 1,000 katipuneros
→ born on Tuesday, May 9, 1875
→ at number 13, Baltazar Street (now Zamora) in the place where thousands of arms used in the Revolution were buried
→ her father was Nicolas de Jesus (native of this town, a master mason and carpenter and a government official during the Spanish regime)
→ mother was Baltazara Alvarez Francisco, of the town of Noveleta in Kabite Province, a niece of General Mariano Alvarez of Magdiwang in Kabite, the first to raise the standard of revolt in that province
→ taga-ingat ng mga mahahalagang kasulatan
→ after the outbreak of the Revolution, she went to live with her parents in Caloocan and later joined his husband in Manila
Gregoria de Jesus
inang oriang or Lakambini
Gregoria de Jesus
Gregoria De Jesus’ account of First Cry:
In the account of Gregoria De Jesus, when and where did the First Cry happened?
August 25, 1896; Near Caloocan
→ childhood friend of Andres Bonifacio
→ the founder of katipunan
→ Supremo’s personal counselor
→ inaugurated a monument depicting the event was erected near the site on September 3, 1911
Katipunan General Guillermo Masangkay
Katipunan General Guillermo Masangkay’s account of Cry of Balintawak:
According to the account of guillermo, when and where did the cry happen?
August 26, 1896; House of Samson in Caloocan / balintawak din ata to eh ewan gago i flunked geography
Katipunan General Guillermo Masangkay’s account of Cry of Balintawak:
IN his account, what time did the meetings start?
9 am
Katipunan General Guillermo Masangkay’s account of Cry of Balintawak:
Were the 3 people opposed to start revolution too early
- Teodoro Plata
- Briccio Plantas
- Pio Valenzuela
Bodeguero with earning of 25 pesos
Andres bOnifacio my labs
→ Katipunero
→ privy to many events concerning Katipunan
→ wrote his memoirs of the revolution without consulting the written documents of the Philippine revolution
→ second and later version of the first rally of the katipunan
Pio Valenzuela
Identify who’s perspective
August 23,1896
Pugad Lawin
Pio Valenzuela & Teodoro Agoncillo
→ Katipunero
→ son of Mariano Alvarez
→ leader of the Magdiwang faction in Cavite (Hero of the Battle of Dalahican)
→ revolutionary general and founder and honorary president of the first directorate of the Nacionalista Party
→ relative of Gregoria
→ known for Kidlat ng Apoy
→ not an eyewitness of the history event hence, his version cannot be accepted as equal in weight
Santiago Alvares
Identify who’s perspective
August 24,1896
Bahay Toro of Tandang Sora, QC
Milagros Guerrero, Emmanuel Encarnation, Ramon Villegas and Santiago Alvares
→ born on Tuesday, May 9, 1875
→ at number 13, Baltazar Street (now Zamora) in the place where thousands of arms used in the Revolution were buried
→ her father was Nicolas de Jesus (native of this town, a master mason and carpenter and a government official during the Spanish regime)
→ mother was Baltazara Alvarez Francisco, of the town of Noveleta in Kabite Province, a niece of General Mariano Alvarez of Magdiwang in Kabite, the first to raise the standard of revolt in that province
→ taga-ingat ng mga mahahalagang kasulatan
→ after the outbreak of the Revolution, she went to live with her parents in Caloocan and later joined his husband in Manila
Gregoria de Jesus
(inang oriang or Lakambini)
Who’s perspective
August 25, 1896 (First Cry)
Near Caloocan
Gregoria de Jesus
(inang oriang or Lakambini)
Who’s perspective
August 25, 1896
Guardia civil, Lt. Olegario Dia
→ Spanish commander of the Guardia Civil Veterana of Manila
→ the conspiracy of having been discovered Bonifacio and his followers
Guardia civil, Lt. Olegario Dia
August 26,1896
Historian Gregorio Zaide
→ bosom friend of Andres Bonifacio,
→ the founder of katipunan
→ Supremo’s personal counselor
→ inaugurated a monument depicting the event was erected near the site on September 3, 1911
Katipunan General Guillermo Masangkay
August 26,1986
Rustic barrio of Balintawak, a few kilometeres north of the city of Manila(accepted by the American government)
Katipunan General Guillermo Masangkay
The men obediently tore up their cedulas, shouting “Long live the Philippines!”
‘Long Live the Sons of the People!’
“Long live the Philippine Republic!”
Katipunan General Guillermo Masangkay