CRS Flashcards
Criminal Attempt
acting with the kind of culpability otherwise required for commission of an offense, he engages in conduct constituting a substantial step.
with the intent to promote or facilitate it’s commission, agrees with another person, will engage in conduct which constitutes a crime or an attempt crime, agrees to aid the other person in the planning or commission of a crime or attempted crime.
Criminal Solicitation
offers services or another’s services to a third party to commit a felony, with intent to promote or facilitate the commission of that crime
Murder in the first degree
- after deliberation and with intent to cause death
-commits or attempts to commit arson, robbery, burglary, kidnapping, sexual assault, sex assault in the 1st or 2nd degree, crime of escape, in the course of or the furtherance of the crime that he or she committing or attempting, or immediate flight from, the death of a person other than the participants is caused by anyone
-by perjury or subornation of perjury he procures the conviction and execution of any innocent person
evidencing an attitude of universal malice manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life generally, knowingly engages in conduct which creates a grave rick of death to a person and thereby causes the death of another
unlawful distribution, dispensation,, or sale of a controlled substance to a person under the age of 18 on school grounds and the death was caused by the use of the controlled substance. - knowingly causes the death of a child who is not yet 12 yrs old and person committing the offense is one in a position of trust.
- F1
Murder in the second degree
knowingly causes the death of a person
-recklessly causes the death of another person
intentionally causes or aids another person to commit suicide
- F4
Criminally negligent homicide
any person who causes the death or another person by conduct amounting to criminal negligence
Vehicular homicide
- operates or drives a motor vehicle in a reckless manner and such conduct is the proximate cause of the death of another (F4)
- drives while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs and such conduct is the proximate cause of death of another. (F3)
Assault in the first degree
- with intent to cause serious bodily injury to another, he causes SBI to means of a deadly weapon
- with intent to disfigure another person seriously and permanently, or to destroy, amputate or disable permanently a member or organ of his body, causes injury to any person
- -knowingly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to another thereby causes SBI
- with intent to cause SBI to a peace officer, firefighter or medical provider, threatens with a deadly weapon to peace officer, firefighter, medical provided
- with intent to cause SBI or threatens with a deadly weapon a judge
- with intent to cause SBI or threatens with a deadly weapon a person employed by the detention facility or human services while being charged with delinquent child or adjudicated as a delinquent child
- with intent to cause SBI, applies sufficient pressure to impede or restrict the breathing or circulation of the blood of another by applying to neck or nose and moth which causes SBI (F3 for all above)
- if assault is performed upon a sudden heat of passion (F5)
assault in the second degree
- with intent to cause bodily injury, causes such injury to any person by means of deadly weapon
- causes bodily injury or SBI to peace officer, firefighter, medical provider while attempting to prevent them from performing a lawful duty
- recklessly causes serious bodily injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon
- causes impairment by administering, with out consent, a drug or substance capable of producing the intended harm
- while in custody violently applies force against a peace officer, firefighter, medical services engaged in the performance of their duties. or a judge.
- while in a detention facility, person with intent to infect, injure, harm, harass, annoy an employee of facility, causes contact with blood, sieman, urine, feces, saliva, mucus or vomit.
- with intent to cause bodily injury by applying pressure to neck, nose and mouth and thereby causes bolidy injury
assault in the third degree
knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another or with criminal negligence the person causes bodily injury to another person by means of a deadly weapoin
- with intent to harass, annoy, threaten, or alarm peace officer, firefighter, medical services
- causes the other person to come in contact with urine, feces, blood etc
- M1
Vehicular assault
- operates or drives a motor vehicle in a reckless manner and this caused SBI (F5)
- operates under the influence and this conduct causes SBI (F4)
any threat or physical action, he knowingly places or attempts to place another person in fear of imminent SBI (F5)
Reckless andangerment
engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of serious bodily injury to another person (M3)
first degree kidnapping
- to force the victim or any other person to make any concession or give up anything of value in order to secure a release of a person
- forcibly seizes and carries any person from one place to another
- entices or persuades any person to go from one place to another
- imprisons or forcibly secretes any person
- F1 if causes bodily injury, otherwise a F2
Second degree kidnapping
- knowingly seizes and carries any person from one place to another, without consent and without lawful justification
- takes, entices, or decoys away any child not his owner under 18 with intent to keep or conceal from parent or intent to sell, trade, or barter child for consideration
- F2 if victim of sexual assault or robbery
- F3 for most others
False imprisonment
- confines or detains another without consent or proper authority (M2)
- if used force, holds more than 12 hours, under 18 and causes bodily injury or emotional stress is a F5
Enticement of a child
invites or persuades, or attempts to invite or persuade a child under 15 to enter a vehicle, building, room or secluded placed with the intent to commit sex assault or unlawful contact upon a child. (F3)
Internet luring of a child
knowingly communicates over a computer, telephone, text, etc to a person the actor knows or believes to be under 15 and communication describes explicit sexual conduct, makes statement to meet the actor for any reason and the actor is more than 4 years older than the person or the than the age the actor believes the person to be. (F5 unless meeting got sexual exploitation or sexual contact then F4)
Sexual Assault
knowingly inflicts sexual intrusion, penetration on a victim
- causes submission of the victim by means of sufficient consequences reasonably calculated to cause submission
- actor knows that victim is incapable or appraising the nature of the victims conduct
- actor knows the victim submits erroneously, believing the actor to a spouse
- victim is less that 15 and the actor is at least 4 years older
- victim is at least 15 years old but less than 17 and actor is at least 10 yrs older
- the victim is in custody of law or detained in a hospital and actor uses potion of authority
- officer medical services, engages in treatment or examination of victim other than real medical purpose
- victim is physically helpless and actor knows this (F4)
Unlawful sexual contact
- the actor knows the victim does not consent
- the actor knows the victim is incapable of appraising the nature of eh victims conduct
- victim is physically helpless and victim has not consented, employs an drug, intoxicant or other means for the purpose of causing submission
- victim is in custody or detained and person uses authority to get submission
- actor engages in treatment or medical services other than for real medical treatment
- induces or coerces a child by any means to expose intimate parts for sexual gratification (M1)
Sexual assault on a child
knowingly subjects another not his or her spouse to any sexual contact if the victim is less than 15 and actor is more than 4 years older (F4)
Sexual assault on a child by one in position of trust
knowingly subjects another to any sexual contact if the victim is lass than 18 and the actor is in a position of trust (F3)
Internet sexual exploitation of a child
knowingly importunes, invites, or entices through communication via, internet, text, instant messaging a person whom the actor knows or believes to be under 15 and victim is at least 4 heats younger than actor
- expose or touch the person’s own or another person’s intimate parts while communicating
- observed the actor’s intimate parts via computer, telephone or messaging.(F4)
Invasion of privacy for sexual gratification
knowingly observes or takes photos of another person’s intimate parts without consent, victim has reasonable expectation of privacy and photos are for sexual gratification. M1
unlawful sexual conduct by a peace officer
knowingly engages in sexual contact, intrusion, penetration
- peace officer contacts the victim for the purpose of law enforcement
- cause the victim to believe he/she is a subject of an active investigation and peace officer uses that to further sexual act
- peace officer shows real or apparent authority
- F4 for sexual contact, F3 for penetration or intrusion
unlawful electronic sexual communication
- knowingly importunes, invites, or entices through electronic communication a person who whom the actor believes is 15-18 yrs old and at lease 4 yrs younger than actor and actor is in a position of trust.
- expose or touch person’s own or another’s intimate parts while communicating
- observes actors intimate parts via computer
- actor describes explicit sexual conduct and in connections with that makes statement persuading or inviting person to meet for any purpose and actor is in a position of trust.
- F6 unless meeting for purpose of exploitation then F5
Trafficking for involuntary servitude
knowingly sells, recruits, harbors, transports, transfers, isolates, entices, provides by any means another person for the purpose of coercing the other person to perform labor or services F3
trafficking for sexual servitude
obtains by any means another person for the purpose of of coercing the person to engage in commercial sexual activity
- F3 unless it’s a minor then F2
directly or indirectly through another person, knowingly makes a credible threat to another and repeatedly approaches, contacts or places under surveillance that person, immediate family, or victim has relationship with
- makes threat and repeatedly makes communications with that person
- repeatedly followed, communicates, surveillance that would cause a reasonable person to suffer serious emotional distress F5
unlawful termination of pregnancy in the first degree
with the intent to terminate unlawfully the pregnancy of a woman F3, F2 if woman dies as a result
unlawful termination of pregnancy in the second degree
knowingly causes the unlawful termination of a pregnancy F4
unlawful termination of pregnancy int he third degree
under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life, knowingly engages in conduct that creates grave risk of death to another and thereby causes the unlawful termination of pregnancy (F5)
unlawful termination of pregnancy in the fourth degree
the person recklessly causes the unlawful termination of a the pregnancy of a person at such time the person knows or should have known was pregnant (F6)
vehicular unlawful termination of pregnancy
operates or drives a motor vehicle in a reckless manner and this causes the unlawful termination of pregnancy (F5)
aggravated vehicular unlawful termination of preganany
operates a motor vehicle while under the influence and causes the unlawful termination of pregnancy (F4)
careless driving resulting in unlawful permination of preganancy
drives a motor vehicle, bicycle, electrical assisted bicycle, electric scooter, in a careless and imprudent manner with out due regard and causes unlawful termination of pregnancy (M1)
first degree arson
knowingly sets fire to etc to occupied structure F3
second degree arson
knowingly sets fire etc to other than a building or occupied structure F4
third degree arson
sets fire etc any property with intent to defraud F4
fourth degree arson
knowingly or recklessly starts or maintains a fire or causes an explosion on his property or another and by doing so places another in danger or death or SBI or places any building or occupied structure in danger of damage (F4)
First degree burglary
knowingly enters unlawfully with intent to commit a crime other than trespassing, assaults or menaces any person with deadly weapon or threat of deadly weapon F3
Second degree burglary
knowingly breaks an entrance into, enters unlawfully, or remains unlawfully in a building or occupied structure with intent to commit therein a crime against anther person or property
- F4 unless it’s a dwelling, then F3
Third degree burglary
enters or breaks any vault, safe, cash registers, coin vending machine, etc F5
knowingly takes anything of value from the person or presence of another by use of force, threats, or intimidation F4
Aggravated Robbery
during the act of robbery:
- armed with a deadly weapon with the intent to kill, maim, or wound the person being robbed
- knowingly wounds or strikes the person being robbed with a deadly weapon or by use of force, intimidation of a deadly weapon causing fear of death or bodily injury
- possesses any article leading any person to believe it could be a deadly weapon
- F3
Aggravated Robbery of controlled substances
takes any controlled substance from any pharmacy or other place having lawful possession
knowingly obtains, retains, or exercises control over anything of value of another without authorization or by threat of deception
- intents to deprive the other person permanently
- uses, conceals, or abandons the thing of value in such a manner as to deprive the person permanently
- demands any condition of restoring the thing of value he is not legally entitled as a condition of restoring
- knowingly retains the thing of value more than 72 hours after agreed upon time of return
Aggravated motor vehicle theft
knowingly obtains or exercises control over a motor vehicle of another without authorization or by threat or deception and:
- for more than 24 hours
- attempts to alter or disguise the appearance
- alter or remove VIN
- uses vehicle in a commission of crime other than traffic
- causes $500 or more in damage
- causes bodily injury to another person while in control of vehicle
- removes vehicle from state for more than 12 hours
- attaches license plates other than those officially issued
- F5 if value is less than $20k, F4 if over
Criminal mishief
knowingly damages the real or personal property of one or more other persons
- M3 under $300 damage
- M2 $300 - $750
- M1 $750 - $1000
- F6 $1000 - $5000
- F5 $5000 - $20k
- F4 $20k - $100k
- F3 $100k - 1 million
- F2 over 1 million
first degree criminal trespass
knowingly and unlawfully enters or remains in a dwelling of another or enters any motor vehicle with intent to commit a crime therein
second degree criminal trespass
unlawfully enters or remains in or upon the premises of another which are enclosed or fenced
- enters or remains in or upon common areas of hotel, condo, apt
-enters or remains in a motor vehicle
Third degree criminal tresspas
enters or remains in or upon premises of another class 1 petty offense
First degree criminal tampering
intent to cause interruption or impairment of a service rendered to the public by utility or by other institution
second degree criminal tampering
tampers with property of another with intent to cause injury, inconvenience, or annoyance to that person
any person who deposits, throws, leaves any litter on any public or private property or in any waters - class 2 petty offense
Abandonment of a motor vehicle
abandons any vehicle upon a street, highway, right-of-way, or any other public property or upon any private property with out consent from owner
intent to defraud, such person falsely makes, completes, alters, or utters a written instrument which is or purports to be, or which is calculated to become or to represent if completed:
- money, stamps, securities or valuable instrument issued by the government
Second degree forgery
anything not listed in forgery
knowingly marries, inflicts, sexual penetration or sexual intrusion on, or subjects to sexual contact, an ancestor or descendant, including natural child, child by adoption, or step child 21 yrs or older, brother or sister of whole or half blood, uncle or aunt, nephew or niece
Aggravated incest
same as incest only under 10 yrs old F3
Child abuse
cause injury to a child’s life or health or permits child to be unreasonably placed in a situation that poses a threat of injury to child if pattern continues as a reult of malnourishment, lack of proper medical care, cruel punishment, mistreatment, accumulation of injuries resulting if death or SBI under 16
Sexual exploitation of childern
- under 18 yrs old
- causes, induces, entices or permits a child to engage in, or be used for any explicit sexual conduct
- prepares, arranges, publishes, etc any any sexually exploitative material
- does not apply to LE, doctors, lawyers, courts
- possesses with intent to deal or sell
- permits a child to engage in explicit sexual conduct for the purpose of producing a performance. F5
Harboring minor
knowingly provides shelter to a minor without the consent of a parent, guardian if the person:
- fails to release to LE after request
- fails to disclose location of minor to LE
- obstructs LE from taking minor
- assists minor in avoiding LE
- fails to notify parent/guardian within 24 hrs
- minor may stay at shelter for 2 weeks
- M2
Contributing to the delinquency of a minor
induces, aids or encourages a child to violate any federal or state law, municipal or county ordinance or court order. Under 18 yrs old
Resisting arrest
knowingly prevents or attempts to prevent a peace officer from effecting an arrest of the actor or another
- using or threatening to use physical force or violence against LE
- creates a substantial risk of causing bodily injury
- M2
obstructing a peace officer
by using or threatening to use violence, force, physical interference, or an obstacle such person knowingly obstructs, impairs or hinders LE
- obstructs, hinders, prevents an animal used by LE
- M2
Accessory to crime
with intent to hinder, delay, or prevent the discovery, detection, apprehension etc of another for the commission of a crime, render assistance to such
- F4
refusing to aid a peace officer
anyone over 18 unreasonably refuses or fails to aid a peace officer in effecting or securing an arrest - class 1 petty offense
False reporting to authorities
- activating false alarm of fire or other alarm
- prevents a fire alarm or other alarm
- knowingly causes the transmission of a report to LE of a crime
- knowingly provides false identifying information to LE
- false report of imminent threat to the safety of a person by use of a deadly weapon
- M3
Disarming a peace officer
knowingly without justification and without consent, removes the firearm or self-defense electronic control device, or similar device or a peace officer
- F5
Introducing contraband in the first degree
introduce a dangerous instrument, malt, spirituous liquor, controlled substance, marijuana into a detention facility
- while being a confined person, makes any dangerous instrument, controlled substance, marijuana or alcohol
- F4
Introducing contraband int he second degree
introduces or attempts to introduce contraband into a detention facility
- F6
Possession of contraband in the first degree
confined in a detention facility if he knowingly obtains or has in his possession contraband or alcohol
Assault during escape
intent to commit bodily injury upon the person with a deadly weapon or by any means of force likely to produce SBI
- offers, confers, or agrees to confer pecuniary benefit upon a public servant with the intent to influence the public servant
- while a public servant, solicits, accepts, or agrees to accept any pecuniary benefit upon an agreement or understanding that the servant will be influenced.
- F3
Perjury in the first degree
- in an official proceeding knowingly makes materially false statement which he does not believe to be true, under oath
- F4
Perjury in the second degree
other than in an official proceeding, with the intent to mislead a public servant, makes false statement
- M1
Inciting riot
incites or urges a group of 5 or more persons to engage in a current or impending riot or:
gives commands, instructions or signals to a group of 5 or more
- M1 unless results in injury or damage to property then a F5
arming rioters
knowingly supplies a deadly weapon or destructive device for use in a riot
- teaches another to prepare or use a deadly weapon or destructive device with intent for it to used in a riot
- F4
Disorderly conduct
intentionally, knowingly or recklessly;
- makes a course and obviously offensive utterance, gesture or display in a public place and it tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace
- makes unreasonable noise in a public place or near a private residence that he has not right to occupy
- Fights with another in a public place
- discharges a firearm in a public place
- displays a deadly weapon or any article used in a manner to cause a person to reasonably believe that it is a deadly weapon
- during a funeral is M2, fighting is a M3 others are M2
Harassment - stalking
intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person:
- strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise touches a person or subjects him to physical contact
- in a public place directs obscene language or makes an obscene gesture to or at another person
- follows a person in or about a public place
- directly or indirectly initiates communication with a person anonymously or otherwise in a manner intended to harass or threaten bodily injury or property damage
- makes a telephone call or causes the telephone to ring repeatedly
- repeated communication in inconvenient hours
- repeatedly insults, taunts, challenges, or offensive language to another to provoke disorderly response
- M3 unless harass because of sex, mental ability, color, etc then M1
vehicular eluding
while operating a motor vehicle, knowingly eludes or attempts to elude a peace officer also operating a motor vehicle and operates in a reckless manner
- F5 unless bodily injury then F4, causing death is F3
Bias-motivated crimes
with the intent to intimidate or harass another person because of that person’s actual or perceived race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation
- knowingly causes bodily injury
- by words or conduct, knowingly places another person in fear of imminent lawless action directed at that person property
- knowingly cause damage or destruction of someone’s property
- F5
Prohibited use of weapons
- knowingly and unlawfully aims a firearm at another person
- recklessly or with criminal negligence discharges a firearm or shoots a bow and arrow
- knowingly sets a leaded gun, trap, or device designed to cause an explosion upon being tripped
- possession of a firearm while the person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- having a permit is not a defense
- aims, swings, or throws a throwing star or nunchaku
- M2
Illegal discharge or a firearm
knowingly or recklessly discharges a firearm into any dwelling or any other building or occupied structure or into a any motor vehicle occupied by any person
- F5
Possession of weapons by previous offender
knowingly possesses, uses, or carries upon his person a firearm subsequent to the person’s conviction for a felony, or subsequent to the person’s conviction for attempt or conspiracy to commit a felony
possession of handguns by juveniles
- unlawful for under 18 to possess a handgun
- M2
large capacity magazines
- more than 15 rounds of ammunition
- more than 28 inches of shotgun shells in tube
- more than 8 of shotgun shells in detachable mag
- M2
Schedule I
- high potential for abuse
- no currently accepted medical use
- lacks accepted safety for use under medical supervision
Schedule II
- high potential for abuse
- has currently accepted medical use in treatment
- lead to severe physiological or physical dependence
Schedule III
- potential for abuse but less than I or II
- currently accepted medical use
- moderate to low physical dependence, high psychological
possession of controlled substance
- not more than 4 grams of schedule I or II
- any quantity of a controlled substance in III, IV or V
- DM1
Unlawful distribution, manufacturing, dispensing, sale or possession
- more than 225 grams of schedule I or II or more than 112 of meth, heroin, sells to a minor I or II and adult is more than 2 years older = DF1
- more than 14 grams of schedule I or II, more than 7 for meth and heroin, sells minor III or IV = DF2
- not more than 14 grams of I or II, not more than 7 grams meth, heroin, more than 4 grams III of IV
- no more than 12 planes in residential property
- if a person under 21 lives at residence, cultivation area must be locked and secured
Theft of under $50
Class 1 petty offense
Theft of $50-$300
Theft of $300 - $750
Theft of $750-$2000
Theft of $2000-$5000
Theft of $5000 - $20,000
Theft of $20,000 - $100,000
Theft of $100,000 to a million
Theft of over a million
Fraud by check
knowingly has insufficient funds, with the intent to defraud, issues a check
- penalty guidelines as theft
Identity Theft
possession of a defaced firearm
unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon
carries a knife or firearm
- M2