Assessment info Flashcards
Homicides and Deaths
- Crime scene preservation
- suspect identification - is suspect still in area
- Suspect drive by’s
- BOLO’s
- Boss system/lumen/PIMS
- Mesh camera’s
- Witnesses; transport or interview on scene
- Notifications; MCU, GIU, W/C, Duty Lt, CAC
- Information to provide coroner
- Documentation
- Briefing for MCU
Shootings/shots fired
- Confirmed victims vs shots heard - multiple RP’s
- Ensure thorough check of the area, canvas on foot
- Hospital notifications
- crime scene preservation - collect and photo even if no victim or weapon located
- outside scene concerns
- If victim hit ensure officer to hospital ASAP or ride in ambulance
- check welfare if multiple shots fired
- Suicides: history, Note?, family concerns
- Juvenile suicides - always require CAC response
- vehicles in area
Officer down vs. shots fired by police
- major concerns of an officer down call:
major crime scene
witness/evidence securing
other officer’s well-being
potential use of force and witness officer’s
state law requiring 2 investigative teams
Peer support - trauma response team, lethal response team
Active Critical Incidents
- Protect life, stabilize the incident, protect property
- aggressive response by 1st responders
- evacuation if possible
- lockdowns, closures, crowd control
- media
- witness de-brief
- Special Units/outside agency deployment
- radio channels
- Air support
- plain clothes deployment
- ** identify as INCIDENT COMMANDER*****
Active critical incidents IC responsiblities
- activate incident command system
- establish command post
- notification and mobilization of additional personnel
- additional support from other agencies
- unified command
- staging area
- Activate ASHER if needed with Fire
- provide public information
- maintain safety of all affected personnel
- after action report
- Priority dispatch
- floor plans of building
- times sensitive
- large vs. small
- dispatch assistance
- Lights on
- canine
- inner vs. outer
- radio channels - TAC, outside agencies
- scribe
- foot pursuit
Officer down
- Officer status
- suspect status
- suspect location
- perimeter, tight in or wide net
- Resources
- Radio channels, blue SE
- calling out personnel
- make it clear who it in charge and all instructions clear and repeat if needed
- do we have enough cars
- do we have enough cars at the hospital
- command post?
- K-9
- Peer support/trauma response
- Media Considerations, call out PIO’s
- Body camera’s, does it show suspect if vict can’t talk
Active Shooter Hostile Event Response
Writing portion things to remember
- Time Limit
- Use as training for later
- Follow up on UOF considerations
- explain acronyms
Role play things to remember
- empathy
- Get an action plan with person/follow up
- Financial Services
- Advise Lt
- Mental wellness
- Peer support
- Confidentiality
- get employee into temporary detail if needed
Leadership phylosify
- Police success is dependent on good leaders
- Keep a hand on the rudder to weather the storm
- maintain focus and keep the mission
- effective communication with employees
- not just talking but listening
- treat people how you would like to be treated
- Community relations
- delegate duties and trust it will be done
- Care about the well-being of employees
Core Values
Duty, Honor and Integrity
APD’s Vision
- reducing crime and the fear of crime
- Preparedness and immediate response to public safety emergencies
- building strong community partnerships through constitutional and respectful police service
Scanning (survey)
- Have you identified a problem
- What is the perception of the problem
- How do others outside LE perceive the problem?
- Is there a difference in the perception?
- How serious is the problem?
first “A”
- Who are the involved persons?
1: offenders
2: Complainants/victims
3: Others - where is the problem occurring?
1: Physical setting
2: social setting - describe the sequence of events
- What is the root cause
- What is the current response to the problem by:
1: you and the APD
2: other city departments
3: the community
4: others
- what will be the goal or goals of your action against the problem
- What strategies will be used to meet the goal
- Who can assist in this
second “A”
- what are the actual results of the plan
- did you achieve your goals
- what happened
- what would you do differently