Crisis Intervention Training Flashcards
What percentage of US adult population suffers from a diagnosalbe mental disorder in a given year?
About 22.1%
About what percentage of US adults suffer from some sort of mental illness within their life?
Some studies indicate 32%
What started the spark of CIT?
Memphis PD shooting 26 year old Joseph Robinson who was mentally ill.
They said the approach should be non confrontational.
Are individuals with mental illness hardened criminals?
Traditionally no
When Houston PD did an analysis of 1,439 CIT calls in 2004 what percent of the mentally ill persons were arrested?
1% The remaining 99% of the incidents had no crime reported or a petty class C that wasn't filed
Explain control paradox
By being less physical, less authoritative, less confrontational, less controlling you end up having more control and authority over the person in the mental health crisis.
Where does Texas rank in mental health funding?
47 in student guide
What is CIT most focused toward?
Officer safety
What percentage has CIT increased officer safety?
70% per Phoenix, Arizona
According to FBI stats are mental ill subjects more prone to violence?
No, however the variables can be extremely dangerous
What is CIT proven to be effective with?
It have help with de-escalation
What is the general term of mental illness?
“illness, disease, or condition that either substantially impacts a person’s thought, perception of reality, emotional process, or judgement, or grossly impairs a person’s behavior, as manifested by recent disturbance behavior
What is the professional definition of mental illness
It’s diagnosed based on behaviors and thinking as evaluated by a psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed professional counselor, licensed social worker, or other qualified professionals
What is insanity (legal term)
It’s considered “a diminished capacity and inability to tell right from wrong”
Definition varies from state to state
Generally used by courts with regard to an individual’s competency to stand trial.
What are the 4 prominent categories of mental illness?
Personality disorder
Mood disorder
Developmental disorders
What are common personality disorders peace officers may encounter
Paranoid personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder
Borderline personality disorder
What disorder do the following explain:
Tendency to interpret the actions of others as deliberately threatening or demeaning
Foresee being in position to be used or harmed by others
Perceive dismissiveness from other people
Paranoid personality disorder
What personality do the following explain:
Most commonly recognized in males
Pattern of irresponsible and antisocial behavior (after 18)
As adults, they often have trouble with authority
Reluctant or unwilling to conform to society’s expectations of family and work
They know what they are doing is wrong, they don’t care
Antisocial may have one or more of the following characteristics
History of truancy - may have ran away Starting fights Using weapons Physically abusing animals or other people Deliberately destroying others' property Lying Stealing Other illegal behaviors
What personality do the following explain:
Most commonly recognized in females
Borderline may have one or more of the following characteristics
Unstable and intense personal relationships
Impulsiveness with relationships, spending, food, drugs, sex
Intense anger or lack of control of anger
Recurrent suicidal threats
Chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom
Feelings of abandonment
What is a mood disorder
another type of mental illness demonstrated by disturbances in one’s emotional reaction and feeling
What are recognizable behaviors associated with mood disorders (6)
Lack of interest and pleasure of activities Extreme and rapid mood swings Impaired judgment Explosive temper Increased spending Delusions
What are the 2 most common mood disorders encountered by LE
Bipolar disorder
What are the 2 phases of bipolar disorder
Mania phase - moving 90 to nothing
Depressive phase - depressed
What is psychosis
An illness involving a distortion of reality that may be accompanied by delusions and/or hallucinations
What is a delusion
False beliefs not based on factual info
What is a hallucination
Distortions in the senses
Individual experiences hearing or seeing something that isn’t there
What are the common delusions experienced by a person during a psychotic episode (4)
Hearing voices
Feelings of paranoia
Visual hallucinations
Heightening of the senses
What are behavioral cues of a person with psychosis (7)
Inappropriate or bizarre dress
Body movements are lethargic or sluggish
Impulsive or repetitious body movements
Responding to hallucinations
Causing injury to self
Home environment - strange decorations / pictures over turned / waste matter or trash on floor or wall
Unusual attachment to childish objects or toys
What are emotional cues of persons with psychosis (3)
Lack of emotional response
Extreme or inappropriate sadness
Inappropriate emotional reactions
How do substance and cognitive disorders relate to psychosis (drug related symptoms) (5)
Major loss of contact with reality
Gross interference with ability to meet life’s demands
Has possible hallucinations and delusions
Alteration of mood
Defects in perception, language, memory, and congnition
What is schizophrenia
Consists of a group of psychotic disorders that changes perception
Cause over sensitivity to sound and visions caused by hallucinations and or impaired distorted thinking
Typically emerging when about 19 yoa
About how many adults and what age have schizophrenia in a given year in the US
About 2.2 million
18 and up
Top 10 causes of disability
About what percent of people with schizophrenia commit suicide
What is Alzheimer’s and what does it cause
Common organic mental disorder (not mental illness)
Form of dementia
Individual may get lost easy, have poor memory, and become easily agitated
How many people are suffer from Alzheimer’s and how many pass a year
2-3 million are afflicted
over 11,000 die each year
What are the 2 most common developmental disorders
Mental retardation
What are the characteristics of Autism (8)
Appears before 3 typically Impaired non-verbal communication Lack of eye contact Restricted range of interest Resistance to change of any kind Obsessive repetitive movements Lack of awareness of feelings Social Isolation
How many people does Autism affect? And who does it affect more
1 to 2 in 1,000 Americans
Males are 3-4 times more likely to have it
Females with it tend to have more severe symptoms and cognitive impairment
What are social behaviors by autistic people (10)
Lack of awareness of social rules Reluctance to make eye contact Inappropriate laughter or crying Unusual facial response Ritualistic, habitual behaviors Extreme distress for no apparent reason Attachment to particular objects Deliberate soiling of clothes Uneven motor skills Self stimulating behaviors
What are communication behaviors of autistic people (6)
May be verbally limited
May repeat what is said
Abnormal pitch, rate or volume when speaking
Difficulty expressing ideas or needs
Reversal of pronouns or other parts of speech
Difficulty with abstract concepts and term
What are other behaviors of autistic people (7)
Matching, pairing, and ordering object Blinking compulsively Switching lights on and off Dropping things repetitively Jumping, rocking, and clapping Chin-tapping, head banging, spinning Faxcination with colorful and shiny objects
What is mental retardation
Refers to a range of substantial limitations in mental functioning manifested in persons before 18
What are the 4 degrees of MR
Mild: IQ 69-55
Moderate: IQ 54-40
Severe: IQ 39-25
Profound: IQ below 25
What are strategies to use during contact with MR when it comes to criminal activity (5)
Noticeably older than others involved in the offense Follower Readiness to confess Remained at the scene while others ran Previous criminal activity patterns
What are strategies to use during contact with MR when it comes to educational history (3)
Below usual grade level
ID states mental impairments
Check MHMR records
What are some physical appearances you’d notice about a MR subject (4)
Inappropriately dressed for the season
Unusual physical structure
Awkwardness of movement or poor motor coordination in walking
Difficulty writing or other fine motor skills
What are some speech/language things would be noticeable with a MR person (5)
Obvious speech defects Limited response or understanding Inattentiveness Vocabulary or grammatical skills lacking Difficulty describing facts in detail
What are some social behavior of MR subjects (6)
Adult associating with children or early adolescents
Eager to please
Ignorance of personal space
Non-age appropriate behavior
Easily influenced by others
Easily frustrated or aggressive in response to direct questioning
What are some performance tasks to utilize that will help determine if problem exists for MR subject(7)
Read/write simple phrases Identify telephone number in book Give directions to their home Tell time Count to 100 by multiples of five Define abstract terms (such as emotions or feeling terms) Explain how to make change from a dollar
What are 4 guidelines for LE contact with mentally retarded persons
Speak directly to the person in slow, clear, simple language and phrasing
When possible, more to a less disruptive location to assist with focusing
Be highly aware of questioning techniques
Patient, calm, non-threatening but firm and persistent manner
What are major differences between MI and MR
about 3% of Americans have MR while 22/1% have MI
MI is unrelated to intelligence while MR is
MI can occur at anytime in life / MR occurs before 18
MI meds can help / MR no meds help
MI behavior is unpredictable / MR is usually consistent
How many more times is suicide than homicide
1.5 times
An average of 6 suicides a day in Texas
What age is the highest rate of suicide?
2nd is 75 years and older
What % of suicides are due to depression / bipolar / schizophrenia
Nearly 20 % bipolar people commit suicide
15% have schizophrenia
What percent of police shootings are suicide by cop
13% of all fatal shootings
What are the categories of drugs?
Anti-psychotic Antidepressants Mood stabilizers Anti-anxiety Old VS new drugs
What are Anti-psychotic drugs?
Thorazine, mellaril, haldol
Controls hallucinations
What are antidepressants
Elavil, prozac, zoloft
Controls feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and suicidal thoughts
What are mood stablizers
Tegratol, lithium, depakote
Controls mood swings
What’s the differences between new and old drugs
New have fewer side effects
Old are still used by elderly and lower class (cost less)
What are some side effects
Can be uncomfortable
Often irreversible
Ex: muscle spasms, eyes rolled back, constant leg movement, tremors, uncoordinated movements, nausea, headache, ect
Common reasons for people to stop taking meds
Nasty side effects
They don’t want people to know they are mentally ill
Start to feel better and think they don’t need it
What are the 4 components of the “first 3 minute assessment”
Elements of evaluation
Intellectual functioning
Behavioral reactions
Emotional reactions
What are the elements of evaluation (7)
Appearance and behavior Stream of talk Thought content Perceptual abnormalities Affect-prevailing emotional tone Concentration Cognitive-intellectual functions
What is LEAPS
Listen Empathize Ask Paraphrase Summarize
What are the 8 lack of active listenings
Arguing Criticizing Jumping to conclusions Pacifying Derailing Moralizing Name-calling Ordering
What are the 3 levels of listening
Listening to words
Listening to whole message
Reflecting the whole message
What are the techniques of active listening (5)
Repeating Re-wording Paraphrasing Reflection of feelings Minimal encouragers
What are 4 effective communication/interaction skills
Crisis facts
What is stigma
A mark of disgrace or shame
What are the 2 approaches to jail diversion? Explain them
Pre-booking : first contact with LE, prior to any formal charges.
Post-booking: Most used program – Process is to identify and divert consumers after they have been booked