Criminality 3 Flashcards
to hold in contempt
minor (under age)
le mineur
the reason, motive
le motif
the sentence
la peine
the loss
la perte
the hacking
le piratage
the police officer
le policier / la policière
the prevention
la prévention
the alcohol consumption
la prise d’alcool
the withdrawal, removal
la privation
the prosecutor
le procureur
the punishment
la punition
the extortion
le racket
to reoffend
the repeat offender
le récidiviste
the reward
la récompense
to hold responsible
the responsibility
la responsabilité
to seize
the sanction
la sanction
to punish
the safety
la sécurité
to feel
se sentir
the suspended sentence
le sursis
to supervise
to get away with
s’en tirer
the victim
la victime
the video monitoring
la vidéosurveillance
the rape
le viol
the public highway
la voie publique
the theft
le vol
the armed robbery
le vol à main armée
the vulnerability
la vulnerabilité