Criminal Psychology - Topic 3: Collecting Evidence Flashcards
Background Study - Fisher & Geiselmann
What did he do? (2)
To reduce bias?
2 Results?
He tested the cognitive interview in the field using a field experiment with actual interviews of real witnesses by serving Police detectives.
All detectives were experienced with a minimum of five years with the division.
To reduce bias:
- The post training interviews were analysed by a team at the University of California who were blind to the conditions.
- Strong support was obtained for the effectiveness of the cognitive interview in the field.
- 85% more information was obtained from witnesses to real events with no loss of accuracy.
Key Research - Memon & Higham (Method/Aim, Conclusions)
Method/ Aim:
- review article which reviews the effectiveness of the cognitive interview and methodological issues in research on the cognitive interview.
- Research suggests the cognitive reinstatement stage when the witness mentally reconstructs the circumstances of when they saw the incident is the most effective component.
- Milne found that the context reinstatement gained as many facts as the whole Cognitive Interview in a mock witness study.
- Memon and Higham also looked at comparison interviews which could be used to see if the cognitive interview is effective.
- concluded that the structured interviews is the best comparison because it has good rapport and no interruption which is similar to the cognitive interview but with no cognitive element.
- Overall they concluded more research was required to see if the cognitive interview is effective.
Step 1: Planning and preparation
- Plot events on a timeline for information retention
- What is known about interviewee and what needs to be established
Step 2: Engage and explain
- Explain purpose of the interview
- Reason, routines (e.g. recording of interview, nodding/shaking head is verbalised), outline, expectations
Step 3: Account – clarification, challenge
- Uninterrupted Account
- High use of open questions, summaries
Step 4: Closure
- Summarise account for mutual understanding
- Maintain professional style
Step 5: Evaluation
- Evaluate information obtained
- Aims and objectives reached?