Child Psychology - Topic 5: Attachment Flashcards
Background Research - Bowlby
Found 3 things?
Suggested that?
Found that:
- A child has an innate need to attach to one main attachment figure
- A child needs continuous care from the main attachment figure for approx the first two years of life
- Long term consequences of maternal deprivation include:
- delinquency - reduced intelligence - affectionless psychopathy
Suggested that:
- attachment has an evolutionary advantage as a caregiver provides safety so it improves the infants chances of survival
Key Research - Ainsworth (Aim, Method, Sample, Procedure, Results)
- to investigate the interaction between infant attachment behaviour and other behaviours such as exploration, separation anxiety and fear of strangers.
Separation anxiety behaviours include crying when the mother leaves.
- They used a controlled observation.
- consisted of 56 infants mainly from white middle class backgrounds that were contacted through private paediatricians.
- 23 of the children were part of a longitudinal study whereas 33 were chosen independently for this study.
- The children were 49-51 weeks old.
- The children were subjected to a strange situation where a parent would play with their child in a playroom, over the time the parent would leave, and a stranger would enter, leaving the child in unfamiliar settings.
- Time sampling was used to record behaviours such as exploratory, proximity and searching behaviours.
- The other measurement used is that five classes of behaviour were rated on a 7-point rating scale such as proximity behaviour and search behaviours.
- found that children use their mother as a secure base in which they explore from.
- Exploratory behaviour decreased when the mother left and the stranger entered.
- The children also increased in crying when the mother left.
Application - Family Centred Care & Key Worker in Nurseries
Family Centred Care:
- Was introduced following research by Bowlby and Robertson about the effects of hospitalisation on a child
- Means that parental visiting is unrestricted and mothers can stay on the ward
- Parents also engage in the child’s care such as bathing, dressing and reading
Key worker in nurseries
- When a child goes to nursery they are assigned a key worker who is responsible and caring towards the child so the child feels like they belong to someone
- This attachment allows the child to feel more secure and use more exploratory behaviour