Crime + the Law: Social Causes of Crime Flashcards
alcohol + drugs misuse
- someone commits a crime to fund or meet their addiction or they commit a crime while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, because drugs and alcohol affect our emotions, thoughts and understanding of what is right and wrong
- for example, just under 50% of violent crime was committed while someone was under the influence of alcohol in 2017/18
adverse childhood experiences
- people with adverse childhood experiences such as physical abuse, neglect, growing up in households where drugs are used or someone has been jailed are more likely to become a perpetrator of crime themselves, because they may not have the right upbringing to learn how to be a responsible citizen
- for example, people with adverse childhood experiences are 16x more likely to take drugs, 15x more likely to commit an act of violence and be 20x more likely to be in prison in their life
poor education
- lack of education means limited life choices and opportunities which may lead to poverty which may lead to criminal activities
- for example, only 30% of prisoners have a reading level needed to get through every day life