Crime Prevention and Punishment Flashcards
What are the 4 aims of the criminal justice system to prevent crime?
- Deterrence. 2. Public protection. 3. Retribution. 4. Rehabilitation
What does Gaarland argue about the different approaches to the criminal justice system?
At the start of the 20th centuary focus was placed on rehabilitation but since the 1970s there has been more a focus on retribution. This can be seen through the fact that the numbers of prisoners have doubled between 1970-2014. He sees this as a shift from left realism to right realism and this has all lead to a culture of control.
What crime prevention theory does Clarke argue for?
Situational crime prevention theory
What is situational crime prevention theory?
Clarke says it’s concerned with preventing crime in a particular location rather than catching offenders. It makes crime a less attractive choice it’s an alternative to fixing society or harsher punishments. This is achieved by target hardening measures to make it difficult for offenders and harder to get caught.
What does Cornish and Clarke say would help prevent crime?
Warning signs to remind people they are being watched.
What are some examples of target hardening measures?
These are barriers to prevent crime like anti climb paint, CCTV, locks, smart water, alarms, target policing and alcohol free zones.
What is a critism of situational crime prevention?
Chaikens displacement theory, it suggests that following situational theory crime would just be displaced to another area where the risks of being caught are lower.
How does Felson and Clarke rebuite the critism faced by displacement theory?
They say that situational crime prevention does work because offenders move onto legitimate activities not more crime.
What example did Felson use to show crime prevention theory?
The Port Authority Bus Terminal. He argued that the bus terminal was poorly designed and left opportunity for crime to be commited such as the toilets allowing for rough sleeps, drug dealers and had a highnumber of thefts. They reshaped the physical environment to stop crime such as introducing UV lights to prevent drug taking. This led to a large reduction in crime.
What crime prevention theory did Wilson and Kelling come up with?
Environmental crime prevention.
What is environmental crime prevention theory?
Wilson and Kellings idea that crime is commited in areas that have been neglected, pointing to the broken window thesis. This gives a view that anything goes. They argue that communities need to take a zero tolerance approach to low level vandalism they need to keel neighbourhoods in good physical appearance and low level anti social behaviour should be punished harshly.
What is Felson and Clarkes routine activity theory?
They argue crime occurs when 1. There is a suitable target for an offender. 2. There is no guardian eg surveillance 3. There is a potential offender present to see if the first two exist.
What is an example that shows zero tolerance policing is effective?
The clean car program. Cars were taken off service if they had graffiti on them and returned only once they were clean which has drastically reduced the amount of graffiti on the subway.
Why can zero tolerance policing be critised?
It just effects the communities where police focus their efforts unfairly.
What type of crime prevention would left realists argue for?
Social and community crime prevention