Crime and punishment topic 6 Flashcards
Why does society punish those who commit crime
To discipline/deter/reform/keep order/protect or for retribution
What factors have influenced attitudes to punishment
Attitude of government, social change, wealth and poverty, role of the media, fear of crime and actions of individuals
What was the attitude to punishment in the medieval times (16th and 17th centuries)
Main focus was deterrance, there was no ideas of reform and capital and corporal punishment were dominant
What was the attitude to punishment in the industrial Era (18th and 19th century)
As there was more migration to the city, methods had to change eg transportation and corporal punishment ended
What are the attitudes to punishment in the 20th and 21st century
Society is more tolerant and punishment is seen as both rehabilitation and retribution. There are other punishments than prison now such as community service and probation and parole
What is corporal punishment
Punishment of the body, eg whipping or flogging (often done in public)
When was corporal punishment ended
When were the stocks abolished
Give examples of crimes that you could be executed for under the Bloody Code
Stealing horses or sheep
Sending threatening letters
Rioting against high food prices
Why was the Bloody Code developed
Fear over the sharp rise in crime, increase in new crimes eg vagrants, influence of rich landowners wanting to protect their properties
When were public executions ended
What replaced public executions as a punishment
Transportation overseas
Which two men fought to abolish the Bloody Code in Parliament
The MP Sir Samuel Romilly and the Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel
What were the five capital crimes(crimes worthy of the death penalty) by 1861
Murder, treason, espionage, arson in royal dockyards and piracy with violence
Why did the criminal code end
Juries weren’t willing to unfairly convict low level criminals, alternative punishments like transportation were now available and public executions upped levels of pickpockets and riots