Crime and punishment Flashcards
Good intentions
Having desire to deliberately help some one
Evil intentions
having desire to deliberately cause suffering or harm to someone.
Jesus –implies that even having an evil intention is wrong “You have heard it said.. Do not murder.. But I tell you, that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgement
Origin of sin
The Fall – Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sin entered the world – Genesis. The Devil was an archangel who disobeyed God and was thrown out of heaven
Principle of utility
a good action is one which maximises happiness and minuses pain for the majority
Suffering can be for good? e.g. A parent might ground their child to stop them going out and getting into trouble
One reason for crime
What is a good intention?
Having a desire to deliberately help someone.
What is an evil intention?
Having a desire to deliberately cause suffering or harm to someone.
What does Jesus imply about evil intentions?
Even having an evil intention is wrong.
What is the origin of evil according to Genesis?
The Fall of Adam and Eve when sin entered the world.
What is utilitarianism?
A principle stating that a good action maximizes happiness and minimizes pain for the majority.
Can suffering be justified for a greater good? Give an example.
Yes, e.g., a parent grounding a child to prevent trouble.
What does the 10th commandment state?
‘Do not covet (be jealous) of your neighbour’s possessions.’
What percentage of prisoners have some form of mental health need?
As many as 70% at any one time.
What is the mission of the Salvation Army?
To work with addicts and help the needy.
What risk factors are associated with criminality?
- Low family income
- Histories of violence
- Low school attainment
- Convicted family members
- Absent fathers
What did Paul say about obeying authority?
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.
What did Pope Francis say about generosity?
If Christians don’t dig deep and generously open their wallets, they do not have genuine faith.
What did Peter say regarding unjust laws?
We should obey God rather than men if a law is against God.
What does Psalm 82 advocate?
Defend the weak and the fatherless.
What are hate crimes?
Crimes against people with protected characteristics, such as sexual orientation and race.
What does Jesus say about hatred?
Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer.
What does the commandment ‘Do not steal’ imply?
Theft can include physical theft, identity theft, etc.
What is the principle of retribution?
The punishment should be in proportion to the crime.
What does Galatians say about actions?
A man reaps what he sows.
What is deterrence in the context of punishment?
Punishment should be severe enough to deter crime.
What is reformation in criminal justice?
Giving criminals opportunities to change their lives.
What is the Golden Rule as taught by Jesus?
In everything, treat others as you wish to be treated.
What did Jesus say about visiting prisoners?
Those who visit will be rewarded.
What is corporal punishment?
Physical punishment, such as whipping or caning.
What does Islamic law say about corporal punishment?
A thief, male and female, should have their hands cut off.
What is community service in terms of punishment?
Doing physical labor in the local community as an alternative to prison.
What does forgiveness entail according to Jesus?
If you expect forgiveness from God, you must forgive others.
How many times did Jesus say one should forgive?
Seventy-seven times, implying no limit to forgiveness.
What was Desmond Tutu’s role after apartheid?
He worked with the Peace and Reconciliation Council to promote healing.
What are arguments for the death penalty?
- Retribution
- Deterrence
- Prevents reoffending
What are arguments against the death penalty?
- ‘Do not kill’ - 10 commandments
- Life is sacred
- Possible execution of innocent people
- Not a deterrent for crimes of passion