Creighton Method Flashcards
What is the historical foundation of the Creighton method?
Started with the Billings method as a base, and then added onto it with a bunch of other findings
What does spinnbarkeit mean?
Stretchability of cervical mucus
Able to be spun into threads
What did Cohen do in regards to the Creighton model?
Studied cervical mucus and the spinnbarkeit, leukocytes, etc
What are the BASIC instructions for checking cervical mucus in the Creighton method?
Wipe the vaginal opening
Observe the tissue
Finger test what is observed
Describe how one should wipe whilst using the Creighton method
Using folded white tissue paper, white front to back noting the sensation over the perineum: dry smooth lubed?
What are the 3 Cs that one should look for whilst observing the cervical mucus that is present on the toilet paper?
When should a woman check for cervical mucus in the Creighton method
Before and after poops and pees
Every night before bed
Before and after swimming and showering
How is bleeding described using the Creighton method?
H= heavy
M= Moderate
L= light
VL= very light (spotting)
B= brown
How is the color of the cervical mucus described in the Creighton method?
B= brown bleeding
C= cloudy (white)
C/K= cloudy/clear
Y= yellow
G= Gummy
P=pasty (creamy)
L= Lubricative
How is the stretchability of the cervical fluid scored in the Creighton method?
0= dry
2= damp
2W= wet
4= shiny
6= tacky (1/4 inch stretch)
8= sticky (1/2-3/4 inch)
10= stretchy (1+ inch)
How is frequency scored in regards to cervical mucus in the Creighton model?
X1= seen once
X2= seen twice
X3= seen three times
AD= seen all day
What does 6PCx1 mean?
Means that at one point in the day, she had cervical mucus that was pasty, sticky, and clear that stretched about 1/4 inch.
What does 10 KL AD mean in regard to cervical mucus?
This means that all day, she had stretchy clear lubricative mucus
What are some of the resources that women can use for education models with creighton?
Intro session materials
Patient book
Picture dictionary
When should a woman chart during the day?
At the end of the day every day