Credibility in qualitative research Flashcards
The combination of different approaches and interpretations
Method triangulation
The use of a combination of different qualitative research methods. For example, interviews, transcripts, observational notes etc.
Data triangulation
The use of combination of different data or documents.
Research triangulation
Combining the observations/interpretations of multiple researchers.
Establishing rapport
Creating a healthy, honest and friendly relationship with the participants
Iterative questioning
Post-study questioning in which researchers rephrase the research questions to gain deeper insight. This is especially important when a sensitive topic is in hand and there is suspicion that participants have distorted answers to make an impression.
Researchers should reflect on the possibility that their own biases might have interfered with observations or interpretations. Researchers should identify findings that might have been affected by their own biases and if they were, how.
Epistemological reflexivity
Knowledge of the strengths and limitations of the methods used to collect data.
Personal reflexivity
Being critical of the influence of ones own beliefs and opinions on observing research findings
Credibility checks
Checking the accuracy of data by participants themselves to read transcripts of interviews or field notes of observations and confirm that the transcripts or notes are an accurate representation of what they said (meant) or did.