Creativity- Lecture 10 Flashcards
What is creativity?
Difficult to define-
culturally bound
Sternberg (1999)
Creativity involves element of:
- Novelty
- Surprise
- Success
3 levels of Creativity ( P’s )
Understanding creativity (importance) -Implications
Impact for education and training
Development of computer programs showing creativity
Guilford (1950)
Divergent- operation tasks Many answers are possible Want many answers produced Devised several creativity tests with divergent operations: -production of semantic units -alternative relations -production of systems BUT- tests only weakly relate to other ratings of creativity
Mednick (1962)
Remote Associate Test
- trio of terms is proposed, and the common remote associate is required
- evidence that it correlates with creativity
- high correlation with verbal intelligence and with g
Jamison (1993)
Mad Genius Hypothesis
Very creative individuals tend to be diagnosed as manic-depressive or schizophrenic
Ability to build unusual associations between concepts
Simonton (1999)
major creators with:
- Schizophrenia-(Newton etc.)
- Bipolar disorder-(Van Gogh etc.)
Post (1994)
Severe psychopathology (DSM III): Politicians 17% Scientists 18% Thinkers 26% Composers 31% Artists 38% Writers 46%
Jamison (1989)
Interviews with 47 English writers and artists
>38% received treatment for mental disorders
>30% severe and durable mood swings
>most described presence of highly productive episodes that correspond with manic phases of BPD
Direction of Causality
Not sure if: Psychopathology> Creativity Creativity> Psychopathology Possible that there is a common factor: Common Factor > Creativity & Psychopathology E.g. stress, psychoticism
Wallas (1926)
4 Stages of Creativity
/ >Preparation
1st 3 >Incubation
\ >Illumination
1st 3 based on Poincare (1913)
-There is an emphasis on unconscious processing
»support from reports of creative scientists&artists
Newell & Simon (1972)
Problem Space approach
(problem solving seen as a search through a ‘problem space’)
>creativity is a type of problem solving
Problems >displayed as a set of states
Begin at start state and have a goal state
Create new states in solving problem
Tracking problem solving by describing the different stages and states in the process
Simon (1966)
problem space explanation of incubation
Problem solving involves
>Control info
(information about sub-goals)
>Factual info(properties of the problem)
During incubation control info decays>making factual info less context sensitive
>Increases likelihood of finding solution
Experimental studies of Creativity
Qin and Simon (1990|)
Replicated Keplers discovery of 3rd Law of Planetary motion
>Undergraduate students received the same data as Kepler
>The context was changed
»>almost 1/3 students found equation in 1 hour or less
CREATIVITY not always novel or remarkable- moving through space