Creative art Term 3 Flashcards


what are the 11 dramatic elements used in a cultural event and describe them


actors - the people involved in the activity, who play specific roles

audience - the people watching or participating from the sidelines

space - the space may be arranged in a specific way to accommodate all the participants and the audience

time - the event may take place at certain times only; it will be of a particular duration; there may be a high-point to the event, for example, the winning goal in a match

costumes - special outfits are selected to make a particular impact and to identify participants in the event

props - objects used by the participants in the event, and given meaning and importance, for example, rings at a wedding

special effects - technology used to create impressive visual / aural displays, for example, smoke. lighting, sound

music or accompaniment - for example, instruments, songs

movement or choreography - for example, processions or the use of simultaneous gestures, such as clapping

chants or call and response

dialogue - for example, in a wedding ceremony, the bride and groom say certain lines of dialogue, which they have practised.

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