Creation of the Universe Flashcards
How many creation accounts are there?
Genesis 1 creation story?
Day 1)Heaven and earth and light and dark created.
Day 2)Separate the earth from the sky.
Day 3)Creation of dry land, plants and trees.
Day 4)Creation of the sun, stars and the moon.
Day 5)Creation of fish and birds.
Day 6)Creation of animals and humans.
SOWAA for the creation coming due to God’s word.
‘let there be light and there was light’
SOWAA for the creation of humans
‘let us make man in our image’
SOWAA for what God said after he created the world.
‘it was very good’
Genesis 2 creation story.
Day 1)Creation of the earth and heaven.
Day 2)God created man from dust and breathed life into him.
Day 3)God created trees and created the Garden of Eden.
Day 4)God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden.
Day 5)God created birds and animals for Adam which Adam named.
Day 6)God took one of Adam’s ribs and created woman, Eve.
Day 7)Adam and Eve lived in innocence
until they were tempted by the serpent and they were banished from the Garden of Eden.
Punishment for Adam and Eve for eating the forbidden fruit?
Eve was condemned to bearing children in pain and being ruled over by her husband.
Adam was condemned to working hard for a living.
What do literalists believe in creation?
The bible is the exact word of God, Genesis 1 and 2 are correct but Genesis 1 is the overall view of creation where as Genesis 2 is the zooming in onto day 6.
They dont accept the Big Bang and evolution.
What do conservatives believe in creation?
The bible is the word of God but not his actual words. They accept the Big Bang and evolution.
What do liberals believe in creation?
The bible is a book about God but they are not his words. Genesis 1-3 are metaphors about creation. They accept the Big Bang and evolution.
SOWAA for proof of creation in the bible?
‘in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.’
SOWAA for proof of creation in the New Testament?
‘the Word was God’
Why is the creation story important for Christians today?
They believe that God gave them stewardship of the earth and that they’ll be judged after death based on how well they took care of the earth.