Creation Flashcards
Catholics understand the creation story as a myth.
A myth is a simple story that gives a deeper meaning.
The 3 messages of the 2 creation stories are:
God made everyone (humans, the world)
Everything that God made was good
Humans are the highpoint of God’s creation
A Christian who interprets the Genesis creation stories literally.
Christians who interprets the Genesis as a myth.
The Bible as the word of God
The Holy Spirit- The presence of God in the world.
Inspiration-The guidance that God gives to people.
Magisterium- The teaching authority of the Catholic Church, exercised by the Pope and the Bishops.
God speaks through the words of the Bible.
The Prophets- The Prophets warned and guided people. They passed on God’s message to humans.
The Gospels- Christians believe that Jesus is the word of God, made flesh.
The Epistles (letters)- These were written to help Christians apply Jesus’ teachings to their every day lives. e.g. St Paul wrote to the Romans.
Teachings of the Magesterium
The Bible is interpreted in-light of the Church’s teachings. This helps us to understand the true message of the Bible.
The Holy Spirit guides the church and speaks through the magisterium.
The Magisterium makes the Word of God relevant to the world.
The Creation Story - Genesis 1:1- 2:4
Day 1 - Day and night Day 2 - Sea and sky Day 3- Plant life Day 4 - Sun, moon and stars Day 5- Fish and birds Day 6 - All the animals, Adam and Eve Day 7 - God rested
God makes human beings - Genesis 2:4-25
God creates man from the soil of the ground. ‘ He breathed the breath of life into man’
Man and animals - God took soil and formed all the animals and birds
God creates woman - God took one of the man’s ribs and formed a woman out of it
Man and woman - the man presented the woman. Both were naked but not embarrassed
The significance of the Christian story to Christians
- Stewardship
- The dignity of human beings
- The sanctity of life
Christians have a duty to respect all of God’s creation. They should not misuse God’s creation eg protect the environment
Dignity of humans
In creation story humans are made in the image of God because we share his qualities eg loving one another.
Sanctity of life
All life is holy because it comes from God
Natural law
Morals and values that are inherited to all humans. It comes from God. The basic natural law is
’ Do good and avoid evil’
P - Preservation of life- life is sacred, precious, should be protected
R - Reproduction - creates life and babies
O - Orderly living - living in an orderly way, respect each other
N - Nurturing - looking after children
G - God question - natural to question God and find out where we
come from
Magesterium and science - PRONG
P - Priest should be involved in Cosmology and science ( George Lemaitre - Big Bang Theory)
R - Reason and Faith must be in harmony - you can believe in science and also have faith in God
O - Observatory - at Vatican, now in Azuna
N - (I)ndependence of science is rightful
G - Gaudium et spes 36- joys and hope of living in the modern world
The Catholic church and science
Second vatican council is important gathering of Catholic bishops which updated many Catholic teachings.
George Lemaitre - a member of the Catholic church who proposed the Big Bang Theory
Second vatican council states science and religion should work together
The Bible
73 books
Books of prophets - inspired people sent by God to teach
Books of Wisdom - prayers, psalms and poems
Books of history - shows how God guides his people but they refused to listen - helps later generations avoid some mistakes
Books of the Law - guidance for how to live
Revelation - mystical vision describing the end of the world
Epsitles (Letters) - shows Christians how to live by Jesus’ teachings
Acts of the Apostles- development of the early Church
Gospels - records the actions and teachings of Jesus