Creation Flashcards
Why do we confess that God the father is the almighty maker of heaven and earth?
The Bible teaches that God the Father made all things in six days out of nothing.
God created the __________ and the ______ on the first day
How did God the Father show his goodness in my creation?
God the father showed his goodness in my creation by giving me my body and soul, eyes, ears,and all my members my mind and all my abilities.
How long did it take God to create creation?
six days
How long does evolution say it took?
millions of years
What does the bible teach us about the origin of mankind?
The bible teaches us that on the sixth day God made man and woman in his own image as special creatures to rule over everything God had created.
God says creation was made out of nothing,then what does evolution say it was made out of?
Primordial cells
What does the bible mean when it says that God created man and woman “ in his own image”?
it means that they were created holy and with the knowledge of God’s holy will.